(Cont. from Page 31/12/84B).

But why did The Christ Michael cast evil demon spirits down to the earth? Well, long before this event, Almighty God Jehovah issued His instructions for life, and later His new covenant for a Kingdom of priests to rule as kings over a "new earth" as a heavenly administration for the spirit creation of an innumerable "great crowd". (Rev 5:9,10) (Rev 7:9,10). To create the spirits of these future "kings", Jehovah allowed for the proving of their faith     refining them through demonic opposition implemented by Godless people. (Dan 11:30 35) (Rev 20:4). By active participation in, and/or tacit support for its political regimes, supporters prove their admiration for the political "wild beast", receiving the cryptic "man's number" 666.  This is the "mark" of their rejection of God, and His rejection of them. Within demoncracies, demonic expressions inspire the people to demonstrate their collective will against the Supreme  Will  of  Almighty  God.  (Rev 16:13,14 & 14:9-12).

There will not be true lasting peace on earth until the oppressive demon influence over mankind has been made to lie down in defeat. According to the words of Jehovah through the prophets, rejoicing with cries of joy will only begin once "majestic ones" of Lebanon have been cut down with Spirit "fire". (Zech 11:1-3) (Isaiah 14:7,8) (Isaiah 10:16-18). Some of these "majestic ones" were cut down when Jehovah opened the "doors" of Lebanon in 1982. Some time after that event, rejoicing shall be heard in Lebanon as a sign to beloved people of God that there is peace on earth for all those without the "mark".  (See Page 883B).

The "king of Babylon" satan is already beginning to lose power. (Isaiah 14:12). Many have been slain by the drought and famine in Ethiopia. Many more deaths will follow in the ensuing drought in Egypt. (Isaiah 18:1-7) (Isaiah 19:1-17). Politicians, sectarian leaders, dungy idols, and aid agencies of the "king of Babylon" worldwide are exercising their demonic will against a judicial decision of God by lending their aid to Ethiopia. But hear what Jehovah has said: "Lend your aid and come, all you nations round about, and collect yourselves together… Let the nations be aroused and come up to the low plain of Jehoshaphat;  for there I shall sit in order to judge all the nations round about."  (Joel 3:11,12).

