(Cont. from Page 31/12/84A).

Oppression is exercised by corrupted individuals receptive to demonic influence (demonic expressions) that are willing to manipulate the collective will of a nation against the Supreme Will of the Lifegiver Almighty God. It is a deliberate demonstration of their rejection of the Spirit creative Law of God intended to perfect one's spirit for immortal heavenly life (the purpose of God for mankind).  (Gal 6:15,16).

Government ministers and their aides of the political "wild beast" create agencies and contrive incentive schemes by which to enforce its purpose: "Driving others to work" at Godless preoccupations. Their aim is to "veil" people from coming to know their Creator and the reason why He gave them a spirit in a physical body. (2 Cor 3:16,17.  1 Cor 15:44). One's body is intended to assist in the creation of one's spirit     to be progressively sanctified toward the spirit "image" and "likeness" of Almighty God and His Spirit created and perfected Son The Christ Michael.  (Gen 1:26.  1 Cor 15:49). That is why faithful servants of God refuse to be enslaved by demonic expressions of the political "wild beast".  (See Rev 13:15).

Through the offer of monetary incentives (bribes), flattery, and the promise of political favour, advocates of the political "wild beast" try to gain the approval and admiration of the common people, lifting themselves above every object of men's worship. By receiving glory that belongs solely to God, they are "publicly showing (themselves) to be a god."  (2 Thess 2:4).

These things were prophesied in great detail long before their fulfilment; that demons would be sent down to the vicinity of the earth, that admiration of the political "wild beast"  (demoncracies and dictatorships) would leave people without the beneficial restraint of the Spirit Law of God, and that many would lose their opportunity to everlasting spirit life because of demon-inspired activities.  (Rev 12:7-12 & 13:4,8).

(Cont. on Page 31/12/84C).

