
"And in that the hour occurred [earth]shaking great, and the tenth [part] of the city fell, and were killed in the [earth]shaking names of men thousands seven, and the leftover (ones) in-fear became and they gave glory to the God of the heaven."  (Rev 11:13 Greek Interlinear Translation.)


"And occurred lightnings and voices and thunders, and [earth]shaking occurred great, which sort not occurred from which [time] men came to be upon the earth so big [earth]shaking thus great".  (Rev 16:18 Greek T.)

The earth and its inhabitants are undergoing great social upheavals. For generations Ethiopia has been scoured by rivers, but they are now being sacrificed by the power of God. (Isaiah 18:1 7 NEB). Although its inhabitants have not been subjected to an earthquake like that of Mexico City on the 20th September 1985, neither have they given glory to Him. (11:13). So now they are being sacrificed by drought and famine. News of the plight of each of these nations has been earthshaking to all mankind.

The earthquake in Mexico City occurred to signal the spiritual fulfilment of The Christ's prophecy to the apostle John. It signified that "in that hour" a tenth of those called to the heavenly "City" of God had fallen victim for acting unfaithfully in His service on earth. Seven thousand men (names and glory) were killed by this spiritual "earthquake". (See Page 857B). The "Little Scroll" was used as the basis for Judgement. (10:8-11). Events of the Mexico earthquake were consistent with the earthquake in the spiritual "land" of God,  for each was:

(1) A great earthquake.
(2) In which a tenth of the city fell.
(3) Seven thousand men were killed.

More importantly, it marks the end of the second woe, and the next event "coming quickly": The blowing of the seventh "trumpet" heralding "the kingdom of the world did become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will rule as King forever and ever." (11:15). The seventh "trumpet" has already been 'sounded' (though not as yet blown) with the spiritual revelations of the "Little Scroll", signalling the end of gathering persons through the "good news"* of The Christ. (10:7). The blowing of the seventh "trumpet" will herald the commencement of the Rule of God, which will bring about the wrath of the nations and instigate the wrath of God upon them.  (11:18).

Note:  Giving glory to God by the exercise of faith in the "good news"* of The Christ could only have been achieved through accurate knowledge of the Will of God, being active in His service, and by one's progressive sanctification. It therefore required time to accomplish.

The "sounding" of the "seventh angel" also signals "the cup of the wine of the anger" of God upon worshippers of such false gods as the Madonna venerated by millions of idol worshippers in Mexico, and all other idol worshippers ruining life on earth. (16:19 Greek T.) (See Page 19/8/85). But will those who remain over become frightened and give glory to the God of heaven? Perhaps further calamities will be necessary. But giving glory to God through fear of calamity is not as valued as giving glory to Him by faith. The impending desolation of Egypt will be an even greater social upheaval. The "great city" of "Babylon the Great" of Revelation 16:19 which splits into three parts is a symbolic expression of God used to describe:

(1) The world empire of sectarian religions.  (18:1-4).
(2) The commercial trading nations of the world.  (18:15-17).
(3) Iraq, the modern-day fulfilment of ancient Babylon.

EARTHQUAKE:  Volcanic convulsion of earth's surface; fig. social or other upheaval.

