Cowards and all other rebellious ones before God give various excuses for not obeying His Will.  However, the Word of God says that only those who obey Him through The Christ shall be saved. (Heb 10:36-39).  As an example:  Those who attend church regularly but disobey the Will of God in their daily lives are sinning against Him. They are certainly not being created in spirit toward everlasting life.

The obligation of each individual is to carry out the expressed Will of their Lifegiver Almighty God Jehovah.  This is also required of us respecting others, who may listen to us and follow our good example as we obey the Will of God every day. The said Will of God for us has been expressed in word and deed through His Son and recorded in the Holy Scriptures.  (Col 1:9,10).

With reference to the old covenant that existed between Almighty God and ancient Israel, and the Mosaic Law issued to show up sin and punish disobedience, it is written: "By means of [The Christ's] flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the two peoples in union with himself into one new man and make peace; and that he might fully reconcile both peoples in one body to God through the torture stake, because he had killed off the enmity by means of himself." (Eph 2:15,16). This  means unity of both Jew and Gentile with God. The decrees were abolished because no man can be declared righteous through works of Law, but only by the exercise of faith in The Christ. This has been laid down for us in the Old Testament by the Prophets and in the New Testament by the apostles of The Christ.  (Rom 3:19-24).

That mankind cannot be declared righteous due to works of Law was illustrated by the failure of ancient Israel to abide by the terms of the old covenant, failing to become a kingdom of priests over the earth. Instead, through a  new covenant, Jehovah is creating a Kingdom of priests by Spirit who from heaven shall administer His righteousness to those walking on His "Way of Holiness"     and "the unclean one will not pass over it".  (Isaiah 35:8-10)  (Heb 8:6  13)

The whole purpose of human life is for one's spirit to be created (subjected) by the Will of God through His Christ. A sanctified (cleansed) spirit will live on everlastingly in the heavenly paradise of God after the death of one's flesh     the whole purpose of one's earthly life having been fulfilled.  (1 Cor 15:44-49).

Those who pray but refuse to abandon their sinful ways and be spiritually readjusted in accordance with the expressed Will of God shall be rejected.  All those who:

(1) "Misused My Law" (the Law of God) and showed contempt for it,
(2) "Failed to acknowledge Me in spite of all the good things I had given them",
(3) "Scornfully dismissed the thought of penitence while the way was still open",
(4) "Rejected the ways of the Most High" (His expressed Will),
(5) And "hate all that fear God".

"Their spirits enter no settled abode, but roam thenceforward in torment, grief, and sorrow."  They "will have to learn the truth through torments after death."  (From 2 Esdras 9:9-12 & 7:75-98 NEB).

