We are advised to put all things of spiritual importance to the test. (48)  It is wise to do this discreetly, using His measurements without fear or reservation, in order that by the accurate knowledge of God and our earnest efforts we become obedient to God and are set spiritually free.

For example, we need to know whether our friends and associates are really good for us, or whether by association we are squandering the very purpose of our lives. To establish this, testing and evaluation of one's associates is necessary. For while all mankind is subject to futility, we are subjected to it on the basis of hope. (49)  And this hope, when realized, is our entrance into the Kingdom of God as its subjects. One's associates are tested when one makes spirit self-adjustments according to acquired spiritual knowledge.  (See 1 Peter 4:3,4).

Because of the deceitful nature of the cowardly majority that reject Godly disciplines, the systems of this world are correctly described as "this darkness". (50)  Those promoting this "darkness" prefer to be associated with beliefs that conceal their own spiritual "darkness". (51) They hate having their underlying motives exposed, and so deliberately create complexities in their rejection of spiritual life. Theirs is a system that recruits cowardly persons as its subjects, those willing to deceive and be deceived.

So before you begin to make your way out of Godless "Babylon", directed by the "signposts" of acquired spiritual knowledge, prepare yourselves. Disappointments will come. They  will come from the once-concealed dispositions of those you previously trusted in. Many spirit sacrifices will have to be made. And whether we are in good health or not, we may avail ourselves of Spirit knowledge that directs us out of mystic "Babylon" and on to the goal of immortal spirit life in the paradise of God (the very purpose of human life). (52)

This realization is for those who have made their minds over to the Will of God and are making the necessary spirit sacrifices. When this occurs, your associates, and perhaps members of your own family, will be puzzled and even speak abusively of you (53)     but with no rational reason for behaving this way.  This will be the proof of you, that by accurate knowledge you have begun to leave the Godless works of "Babylon" and are establishing "signposts" to direct your steps.

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