Ch.11. (40) "At the time of the end, he and the king of the south will make feints at one another, and the king of the north will come storming against him with chariots and cavalry and many ships. He will overrun land after land, sweeping over them like a flood,  (41) amongst them the fairest of all lands, and tens of thousands shall fall victims. Yet all these lands [including Edom and Moab and the remnant of the Ammonites] will survive his attack. (42) He will reach out to land after land, and Egypt will not escape. (43) He will gain control of her hidden stores of gold and silver and of all her treasures; Libyans and Cushites will follow in his train.

Ch.12. (6)…'How long will it be before these portents cease?'…  (7) 'It shall be for a time, times, and a half. When the power of the holy people ceases to be dispersed, all these things shall come to an end.'  (8) I heard but I did not understand, so I said, 'Sir, what will the issue of these things be?'  (9) He replied, 'Go your way, Daniel, for the words are kept secret and sealed till the time of the end (10) Many shall purify themselves and be refined, making themselves shining white, but the wicked shall continue in wickedness and none of them shall understand; only the wise leaders shall understand.  (11) From the time when the regular offering is abolished and "the abomination of desolation" is set up, there shall be an interval of one thousand two hundred and ninety days.  (12) Happy the man who waits and lives to see the completion of one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days!  (13) But go your way to the end and rest, and you shall arise to your destiny at the end of the age.'

Ch.11. (44) Then rumours from east and north will alarm him, and he will depart in a great rage to destroy and to exterminate many.  (45) He will pitch his royal pavilion between the sea and the holy hill, the fairest of all hills;  and he will meet his end with no one to help him.

Ch.12. (1) At that moment Michael shall appear, Michael the great captain, who stands guard over your fellow-countrymen; and there will be a time of distress such as has never been since they became a nation till that moment. But at that moment your people will be delivered, every one who is written in the book: (2) many  of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will wake, some to everlasting life and some to the reproach of eternal abhorrence.  (3) The wise leaders shall shine like the bright vault of heaven, and those who have guided the people in the true path shall be like the stars for ever and ever.  (4) But you, Daniel, keep the words secret and seal the book till the time of the end. Many will be at their wits' end, and punishment will be heavy.'"  (Dan 11:40 to 12:4 NEB).

The political "wild beast" of the United States has been satan's warring authority in Israel. In 1991 they pitched their "royal pavilion (of authority) between the (Mediterranean) sea and the holy hill, the fairest of all hills."  (Rev 13:4). With reference to our Lord Michael "who stands guard over your fellow-countrymen", the U.S. supplied Israel with Patriot anti-missile batteries and military personnel to guard Israel against attack from Iraqi Scud missiles. Patriot is from the Latin Patriota which means fellow-countryman. This means that while U.S. forces were on Israeli soil, their Patriot anti-missile batteries were also standing guard over future sons of spiritual "Jacob"!


Daniel 11:40-43

describes how satan gained control of Egypt's treasures, with Libyans and Ethiopians following in his train, in preparation for the next war with Israel.

Daniel 12:6-13

describes the appointed "times" during which unsealed apostate 'elders' were separated out from anointed sons of God in Christ's congregations.

Daniel 12:1-4

describes the guarding of Daniel's "fellow countrymen" (Jews) through the use of Patriot missiles to defend Israeli citizens during the Gulf war.

