
By pursuing members of the cruel nation that Almighty God sent to bring about the holocaust of 6,000,000 Jews, many Israelis are blaming God. But a time will come when Jews will say: "let us go into our walled cities and there meet our doom.  For the Lord our God has struck us down".  (Jer 8:14 NEB).

We recently sent the message of God to many Jewish organizations to facilitate their reconciliation. But again, as He prophesied, they refused to answer. (7:27,28 NEB).  Rather than being an example to their neighbours and sharing life with them, they prefer to murder them instead.

Apostate Jews continue to "bow down their back" and stubbornly butt at an ancient temple wall, placing absurd prayer notes in its cracks for God to read (as if He was unable to read their evil thoughts). (Rom 11:9,10). Many of them strive for supremacy through Godless financial dealings. But read the Word of God addressed to them when He begins His Rule:

"When you tell them this, they will not listen to you; if you call them, they will not answer. Then you shall say to them, This is the nation that did not obey the Lord its God nor accept correction; truth has perished, it is heard no more on their lips. O Jerusalem, cut off your hair, the symbol of your dedication, and throw it away; raise up a lament on the high bare places.

For the Lord has spurned the generation which has roused His wrath, and has abandoned them.  For the men of Judah have done what is wrong in My eyes, says the Lord. They have defiled with their loathsome idols the house that bears My Name, they have built a shrine of Topheth in the Valley of Ben-hinnom, at which to burn their sons and daughters; that was no command of Mine, nor did it ever enter My thought. Therefore a time is coming, says the Lord, when it shall no longer be called Topheth or the Valley of Ben  hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter;  for the dead shall be buried in Topheth because there is no room elsewhere. So the bodies of this people shall become food for the birds of the air and the wild beasts, and there will be no one to scare them away. From the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem I will banish all sounds of joy and gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the bride; for the land shall become desert.

At that time, says the Lord, men shall bring out from their graves the bones of the kings of Judah, of the officers, priests, and prophets, and of all who lived in Jerusalem. They shall expose them to the sun, the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they loved and served and adored, to whom they resorted and bowed in worship. Those bones shall not be gathered up nor buried but shall become dung on the ground.  All the survivors of this wicked race, wherever I have banished them, would rather die than live. This is the very word of the Lord of Hosts.

You shall say to them, These are the words of the Lord: If men fall, can they not also rise?  If a man breaks away, can he not return? Then why are this people so wayward, incurable in their waywardness?  Why have they clung to their treachery and refused to return to their obedience? I have listened to them and heard not one word of truth, not one sinner crying remorsefully, 'Oh, what have I done?' Each one breaks away in headlong career as a war-horse plunges in battle. The stork in the sky knows the time to migrate, the dove and the swift and the wryneck know the season of return; but My people do not know the ordinances of the Lord. How can you say, 'We are wise, we have the Law of the Lord', when scribes with their lying pens have falsified it?

The wise are put to shame, they are dismayed and have lost their wits. They have spurned the word of the Lord, and what sort of wisdom is theirs? Therefore will I give their wives to other men and their lands to new owners. For all, high and low, are out for ill-gotten gain; prophets and priests are frauds, every one of them;  they dress my people's wound, but skin-deep only, with their saying, 'All is well.' All well?  Nothing is well! Are they ashamed when they practise their abominations?  Ashamed?  Not they!  They can never be put out of countenance. Therefore they shall fall with a great crash, and be brought to the ground on the day of My reckoning. The Lord has said it. I would gather their harvest, says the Lord, but there are no grapes on the vine, no figs on the fig-tree; even their leaves are withered.  Why do we sit idle?  Up, all of you together, let us go into our walled cities and there meet our doom. For the Lord our God has struck us down, He has given us a draught of bitter poison;  for we have sinned against the Lord. Can we hope to prosper when nothing goes well? Can we hope for respite when the terror falls suddenly? The snorting of His horses is heard from Dan;  at the neighing of His stallions the whole land trembles.  The enemy comes; they devour the land and all its store, city and citizens alike. Beware, I am sending snakes against you, vipers, such as no man can charm, and they shall bite you. This is the very word of the Lord."  (Jeremiah 7:27 to 8:17 NEB).

