I received the following dream/vision during the morning of the 4th February 2001:  I was in a garden with others, and was standing by the stump of a tree that I had prepared for grafting. Then a man dressed in black appeared and said, 'Would you mind if I prepared one? I know how it is done.'  I consented, and he cut a v shaped notch near the bottom of a second tree stump nearby.  I then looked at the vertical cut I had made down the centre of the first tree stump, and it looked dry.  Here the dream ended.

The purpose of grafting is to transfer the good characteristics of one tree to another whose fruitage is poor.  In Romans chapter 11 the apostle Paul conveys that at a future time Jehovah will "graft" Jews back into His favour (into the "garden" variety. 11:24). To achieve this, He intends to pour out upon them the Spirit of "favour  and entreaties".  At the same time they shall mourn and lament the loss of a first-born son.  (Zech 12:10.  Jer 31:7-9).  That first-born son is Jesus Christ our Lord. Almighty God has also said He will open a "well" to the house of David "for sin and for an abhorrent thing."  (Zech 13:1).

Spiritually speaking, the importance of "grafting" Jews back into the "garden" variety from whence they originally came, and where the obedient spirit "fruitage" of the Gentiles has been grafted in, is that the Jews will "look to the one whom they pierced through", to The Christ who is our Lord Michael in heaven. Jehovah has also said He will conclude a new covenant with Jews, through which He will put His Law in their hearts.  (Jer 31:31  34).  Many Gentiles have been saved in this way, through repentance, the forgiveness of their sins, and being subjected to God through the "good news" of faith in The Christ.  (Heb 8:6-13).

Jehovah dulled the sensibilities of the Jews so that the full number of the Gentiles could have the "veil" of ignorance removed and be gathered into a favourable unity with God. (Rom 11:25). When the required number of Gentiles is  gathered, Jehovah has promised to begin gathering the Jews. (11:26,27). All these things are to take place "for the sake* of their forefathers", which means that because of their continuance in the sins and contention of their forefathers against The Christ Michael the Son of God, they have not been forgiven for their sins, and so are continuing to live in sin and guilt.  (11:28).

It is to be hoped that the dream/vision I received from God signifies that He will soon pour out His "Spirit of favour and entreaties" upon the Jews, open a "well" for their sins, and write His Spirit Law in their hearts.  (Heb 8:10).

* SAKE: 1. Contention, strife, dispute, etc.
2. A charge or accusation of guilt.
3. Guilt, sin:  a fault, offence, crime.
4. Regard or consideration for someone.

