"When the world becomes the scene of earthquakes then you will understand that the time has come when the Most High will judge the world He has created."  (From 2 Esdras 9:1-4 NEB).

"'Rise to your feet,' he replied, 'and you will hear a resounding voice. When it speaks, do not be frightened if the place where you stand trembles and shakes; it speaks of the end, and the earth's foundations will understand that it is speaking of them. They will tremble and shake; for they know that at the end they must be transformed.' On hearing this I rose to my feet and listened; and a voice began to speak. Its sound was like the sound of rushing waters. The voice said: 'The time draws near when I shall come to judge those who live on the earth, the time when I shall inquire into the wickedness of wrong-doers, the time when Zion's humiliation will be over, the time when a seal will be set on the age about to pass away Whoever is left after all that I have foretold, he shall be preserved, and shall see the deliverance that I bring and the end of this world of mine. They shall all see the men who were taken up into heaven without ever knowing death. Then shall men on earth feel a change of heart and come to a better mind. Wickedness shall be blotted out and deceit destroyed, but fidelity shall flourish, corruption be overcome, and truth, so long unfruitful, be  brought to light.' While  the  voice was speaking to me, the ground under me began to quake."  (2 Esdras 6:13-20 & 25-29 NEB).

"For nation will make war upon nation, kingdom upon kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes in many places.  With all these things the birth-pangs of the new age begin."  (Matt 24:7,8 NEB).

Almighty God has made these revelations known to us in order that those of spiritual "Zion" living in the last Godless age would be forewarned as to their significance:


When the world becomes the scene of earthquakes it is because they are the
birth-pangs of the new "Jacob" age
of righteousness.  (2 Esdras 6:7-10 NEB).


The time has arrived for the Most High to judge those living on earth.

(3) Those left remaining after these earthquakes shall see the deliverance of sons of
"Zion" by God and learn of the resurrection to heaven of Spirit anointed sons of God.
(4) Men on earth will then feel a change of heart and come to a better mind. Wickedness
and corruption shall be overcome and righteousness will at last flourish on earth.


  February 4th 1976: Guatemala. 22,778 killed.

July 28th 1976:  China. 240,000 killed.

September 16th 1978:  Iran. 25,000 killed.

September 19th 1985:  Mexico: 7,000 killed.

December 7th 1988:  Armenia 25,000 killed.

June 21st 1990:  Iran. 50,000 killed.

September 30th 1993:  India. 10,000 killed.

January 17th 1995:  Japan. 6,000 killed.

May 10th 1997:  Iran 1,500 killed.


May 30th 1998:  Afghanistan. 5,000 killed.

January 1999:  Turkey. 17,000 killed.

January 25th 1999:  Colombia. 1,171 killed.

August 17th 1999:  Turkey. 17,000 killed.

September 21st 1999:  Taiwan. 2,400 killed.

January 26th 2002:  India. 13,000 killed.

March 25th 2002:  Afghanistan. 1,000 killed.

June 22nd 2002:  Iran. 500 killed.

December 26th 2003:  Iran. 30,000 killed.

Iran's political leaders have said they will rebuild the recently desolated Godless city of Bam.
What greater foolishness can there be than this

