"The day is near when the Most High will begin to bring deliverance to those on earth. Then men will all be filled with great alarm".  (2 Esdras 13:29 NEB. The Apocrypha).

"On hearing his voice,* all the nations will leave their own territories and their separate wars, and unite in a countless host, as you saw in your vision, with a common intent to go and wage war against him. He will take his stand on the summit of Mount Zion, and Zion will come into sight before all men, complete and fully built. This corresponds to the mountain which you saw hewn out, not by the hand of man. Then My son will convict of their Godless deeds the nations that confront him. This will correspond to the storm you saw. He  will taunt them with their evil plottings and the tortures they are soon to endure. This corresponds to the flame. And he will destroy them without effort by means of the Law     and that is like the fire."  (13:33  38 NEB).

Being taunted by the "voice" of the Son of God The Christ Michael corresponds to "the flame". These flames are literal. At the time of their occurrence, the cause of such fires as the Bradford City fire, the Manchester airliner disaster, and the King's Cross Underground fire, all in the UK, were unknown. Common to them all however, was their ferocity, which has been described as terrifying. As it is written: "Wherever he turned his eyes, everything that they fell on was seized with terror; and wherever the sound of his voice* reached, all who heard it melted like wax at the touch of fire."  (13:3,4 NEB).

Among those taunted by such calamities are sectarian leaders of "Babylon", unable to explain why Almighty God is permitting the fearful destruction of their fellow citizens. The reason is simple: They are being convicted and destroyed for their Godless deeds by the Law of Almighty God. These are the words of the Lord  God to members of "Babylon": "Should I be so fierce with you, says the Lord, if you had not killed my chosen ones continually, gloating over the blows you struck them, and hurling your drunken taunts at their corpses?"  (15:52,53 NEB.  Rev 17:5,6). Anointed chosen ones of God were made spiritually inactive ("killed") during the "three and a half days" (years), brought about by the "evil plottings" of those without  God (Godless ones).  (Rev 11:7-10).

Taunting flames are an advanced warning to all Godless ones before the prophesied tortures that those contemptuous of God are soon to endure. (13:38 NEB). Whilst those hearing the "voice" of The Christ Michael are "melted like wax at the touch of fire", only when The Christ Michael "takes his stand on the summit of Mount Zion" will the  destruction of the Godless by the Spirit "fire" of the Lord's Judgement commence.  (13:3,4 35-38 NEB).

"All who in their lifetime failed to acknowledge Me in spite of all the good things I had given them, all who disdained My Law while freedom still was theirs, who scornfully dismissed the thought of penitence while the way was still open     all these will have to learn the truth through torments after death."  (9:10  12 NEB).

TAUNT:  To goad or provoketo censure or reproach sarcastically or contemptuously.

(Cont. on Page 22/11/87B).

