(Cont. from Page 25/10/88).

Chapter 2. Verses 1-20:
Jehovah pours out the Spirit of His denunciation against JW apostasy through the anointed "locusts" of His spiritual "land". Publicly exposing apostasy, these "locusts" break into apostate "houses" like a "thief". As the "brightness" of apostate luminaries becomes "dark", JW members shall become "agitated" as their false "heavens" are rocked. (2:1-10). "For the day of Jehovah is great and very fear-inspiring, and who can hold up under it?" (2:11). Those who "hold up under it" are saved through their penitence and humble obedience to His Spirit instructions. (2:12-14). Only anointed priests of God can call together a "solemn assembly" to the house of Jehovah and "sanctify a congregation", for they have His Spirit instructions. (2:15-17). A "solemn fast" is an appeal to Jehovah for His mercy, that by His Spirit blessing His repentant people may receive spiritual "food" from Him. (2:18,19 NEB). Jehovah will banish the apostate "northern peril", the "disgusting thing" "standing in a holy place", into "a land parched and waste" without His Spirit "water of life".  (2:20 NEB.  Matt 24:15)  (Rev 21:5-8).

Verses 21-32:
The Spirit "downpour" from God will first be upon "sons of Zion", upon obedient male offspring of Spirit anointed sons of the heavenly Kingdom of God. (2:23) (Isaiah 61:8,9). During the years of the "locusts" His people have been spiritually refined as "cleansed grain". (2:24). Just like rain, the Spirit of God will be poured upon people of Zion to produce "new wine and oil" in a spirit of joy. (2:23). Our Heavenly Father Jehovah will make good the years when His anointed "locusts" devoured the "land" and His chosen people were made to bear reproach on account of the apostates.  (2:25-27. Zeph 3:18-20). "Thereafter the day shall come when I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men see visions. I will pour out My Spirit in those days even upon slaves and slave-girls." (2:28,29 NEB). Sons of "Judah" scattered and held spiritually captive will escape and be brought back by Jehovah as survivors.  (2:32.  3:1,2).

Chapter 3. Verses 1-8:
"When that time comes, on that day when I reverse the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations together and lead them down to the Valley of the Lord's Judgement and there bring them to Judgement on behalf of Israel, My own possession; for they have scattered My people throughout their own countries, have taken each their portion of My land". (3:1,2 NEB). Those of "Judah" are sons and daughters of faithful anointed sons of God of the spiritual tribe of "Judah" under the authority of the heavenly government of God, the "Jerusalem" above. They are His "scattered" ones. It was foreknown by Jehovah that the spirit rebellion of the ancient Philistines would continue unchecked in their descendants, and that their mistreatment of sons of "Judah" would receive the swift execution of His Judgement. Jehovah will "sell" enemies of God into the hands of the sons of "Judah", who will "sell" them to those far away from His spiritual "land".  (3:4-8).

Verses 9-12:
Nations of the world are being gathered to the Valley of the Lord's Judgement on account of His inheritance "Israel". (3:2). Those contesting the work of His anointed "locusts" turn their demonic devices into weapons of war against judicial decisions of God. (3:10). Godless nations demonstrate their rebellious spirit aspect before God by lending their aid to thwart His judicial decisions. To "come up to the low plain of Jehoshaphat" means that despite nations being aroused by Jehovah to "come up" for Judgement, He deems the level of their rebellious spirit disposition before Him a "low plain".  (3:11,12).

Verses 13-21:
"On that day", when Jehovah reverses the fortunes of "Judah" and "Jerusalem", He will pour out His Spirit upon "all mankind" though they gather to fight against Him. (2:28 NEB). But though political leaders claim to have insight as the leading lights of the nations, they will make their "darkness" even darker! (3:15). Jehovah will only be "a refuge for His people", "a fortress for the sons of Israel". (3:16). As for "Egypt" and "Edom", unspiritual  people* of this world that have not come to know God, they and their wicked systems will be totally desolated by God. This is because of "the violence to the sons of Judah, in whose land they shed innocent blood." (3:19). So "I will spill their* blood, the blood I have not yet spilt", the Lord Jehovah has  said.  (3:21 NEB).

(Cont. on Page 27/10/88).

