(Cont. from Page 11/10/88).


Chapter 1. Verses 5-8:
This prophecy from God primarily concerns this generation just before "the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah". (2:31). Spirit anointed "locusts" of God have received detailed Spirit knowledge of His Judgements. Spiritual "food" from God has been withheld, "cut off from [apostate] mouths" (1:5,9) while His anointed "locusts" have poured out denunciations from God upon apostate teachings in His spiritual "land" and "devoured" them. (1:6). They have "stripped it bare" and "thrown it away". Members of the apostate sect of JWs falsely claiming to be of the "vine" of God will be set as an "object of astonishment", causing those despoiled to mourn.  (1:7,8).

Verses 9-13:
Anointed "locusts" are sent by God to completely destroy the apostate "vine". The "sweet wine" of God is for the spiritual needs of His beloved people. But it is cut off from apostate mouths to prevent these "drunkards" from having anything new and spiritually upbuilding from God to say to the people. This unstoppable horde of "locusts" has stripped the "land" of apostate fruitage and left the branches of their apostate "vine" white and exposed. Why? For the reason that the sect of JWs were misusing the heaven-sent "sweet wine" of God to give  glory to themselves, while the produce of their apostate "vine" is spiritually worthless. Misusing the "sweet wine" of God, they have spiritually become "drunkards" exalting and glorifying themselves in their apostate teachings!  During this time, the opportunity to present spiritual "grain" and "drink" offerings to Jehovah for His blessing has been lost, and faithful anointed priestly ministers of the Lord have been in a "sackcloth" condition.  (1:9,13 NEB).

Verse 14-18:
The only remedy is for anointed priestly ministers of the Lord to "call together a solemn assembly" of all the inhabitants of the "land" to come to the house of Jehovah and cry for spiritual aid. (1:14.  See NEB). Through this "solemn fast" inhabitants of His spiritual "land" may repent and come back to Jehovah with all their hearts, calling upon Him for spiritual aid through anointed ministers of His house. (1:14). But Jehovah will only be a refuge for His people, "a fortress for the sons of Israel." (3:16). We need His Spirit and spiritual instruction. As desolating spiritual and world events signalling the imminence of the "day of Jehovah" take place, and while the spirit of apostasy still exists in His spiritual "land", the "joy and gladness" of receiving spiritual "food" from Him is withheld.  (1:16,17 NEB).  But His anointed "locust" nation had to "come up into [God's] land" (1:6) to receive heavenly Spirit knowledge as to why "the droves" have "wandered in confusion" and the "sheep" have been "the ones made to bear guilt".  (1:18. See Rev 11:12).

Verse 19,20:
Denunciations poured out from God through His Spirit anointed "locusts" upon apostate teachings exposes apostates and their spirit of uncleanness. The devouring Spirit "fire" of the Lord's Judgement will follow, and will destroy the apostates and their "pasture grounds" as identified by His anointed "locusts": "To thee I cry, O Lord; for fire has devoured the open pastures and the flames have burnt up all the trees of the country  side." (1:19 NEB). Therefore it is written: "In Zion the sinners have come to be in dread; shivering has grabbed hold of the apostates: 'Who of us can reside for any time with a devouring fire?  Who of us can reside for any time with long-lasting conflagrations?'"  (Isaiah 33:14).

(Cont. on Page 26/10/88).

