When the first of the seven angels blew his "trumpet", there occurred "hail and fire mingled with blood, and it was hurled to the earth". This "trumpet" heralded the dropping of two atomic bombs by the United States upon the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "A third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees was burned up, and all the green vegetation was burned up" and 150,000 Japanese civilians were killed there. (Rev 8:7). After this event, the first symbolic "bowl" of the anger of God was then poured out upon the earth.  It has exposed the nuclear ambitions of the political "wild beast", and like a "malignant ulcer"* it cannot be healed by negotiation among corrupt member nations. (16:2). It was poured out upon those men that have the "mark" of the political "wild beast" and that worship its "image" by supporting the nuclear ambitions and policies of their corrupt political leaders.

When the second of the seven angels blew his "trumpet", it heralded "something like a great mountain burning with fire" that was hurled into the sea. "And a third of the sea became blood; and a third of the creatures that are in the sea which have souls died, and a third of the boats were wrecked." (8:8,9).  This was the atomic bomb test that took place on July 1st 1946 at Bikini Atoll, when a bomb was exploded above an assembled test fleet of 75 warships. It was followed by the second "bowl" of the anger of God poured into the sea: "And it became blood as of a dead man, and every living soul died, yes, the things in the sea." (16:3).  This was the atomic bomb test of July 25th 1946.  This bomb was exploded under water.  (See Page 7/11/85A).

The outpouring of the first symbolic "bowl" of the anger of God has exposed the corruption of world leaders advocating the creation of nuclear arms ostensibly as a deterrent to a third World War. For the malignancy of this "ulcer" has spread throughout the earth, with corrupt political leaders acquiring nuclear arms and ordering nuclear tests in order to threaten nations when their demands are not met.

The reason for the judicial decision of God to pour out the first three "bowls" of His anger upon the earth, is that mankind are guilty of the blood of His holy ones and prophets. (16:6). The "trumpet" warnings and judicial "bowls" of the anger of God are exposing the defiant spirit disposition of mankind against God.  (See 16:10,11).

* ULCER:  (Fig.) A corroding or corrupting influence; a moral plague-spot.

