(Cont. from Page 7/8/89B).


(PAGE 3).

For a while, it proved quite difficult to discover who the members of this sect worshipped     their governing body, or Almighty God Jehovah!

After the many failures of their prophetic dates, it soon became clear that they had adopted a new practice. To  further prophetic presumptions, their "double-faced" visionaries built in safeguards for themselves. (Ezek 12:21  25). The author of 'Visions of Glory' writes: 'In spite of their modest claim that they do not know "the  day and the hour", they have nevertheless led their followers to believe in at least five apocalyptic dates.' 'Sociologists who have examined the phenomenon of apocalyptic religions have found that almost no religion survives three false dates..."Hope deferred," says the Psalmist, "maketh the heart sad."' (Pg.27).

The Spirit anointing of God teaches correctly. But according to the spirit of apostasy: 'In 1914  Christ's Kingdom was established in the heavens' (which was when their fabricated 'Gentile Times' ended). (Pg.25). They were proved wrong. The truth is borne out by evidence, that the 'Gentile Times' (properly known as the "appointed times") was a period during which unfaithful covenant-leavers appointed unsealed men to spiritually "trample" upon and 'shift' from faithful anointed sons of God their God-given responsibilities. (Rev 11:1  3). 'The first shifting of responsibilities began in September 1972, and by October 1 the arrangement of things in most congregations had been adjusted.' (1975 JW Yearbook. Pg.250). So apostates gave congregational responsibilities to men who idolized them:  Their  house of "intense lovers." (Zech 13:6). These events took place among the members of the sect calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. Their false prophecies prove that they are without the Holy Spirit that is bestowed upon faithful anointed sons of God (through whom Spirit communications of God were channelled during that period, and  have  been  since then). Apostates bring upon themselves the prophesied desolation and extermination from God.  (Dan 9:27.  Isaiah 33:14).

This leads us to the answer to the author's question: 'Why this tenacity of belief?  What needs does this religion gratify?' (Pg.27). Through the appointment of unsealed 'elders' dressed as "sheep"-like ones, the sect of JWs sought to gratify the will of satan to seek out, remove and destroy anointed sons of God. (Matt 7:15-20). Adopting the new 'elder' arrangement offered to unsealed ones, JW 'elders' then proceeded to mistreat the anointed "flock" of God.  This was the "injurious scheme" devised by satan (Gog).  (Ezek 38:7-10).

"Sharers in the sufferings of The Christ" experience a "burning" sensation in their spirits when "the Spirit of God, is resting upon (them)." (1 Peter 4:12-14). This kind of "burning" is for a trial, to test one's faith and/or character. The only way one may be relieved of this "burning" is by taking hold of "the skirt of a man who is a (spiritual) Jew, saying: "We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people'",  and abandoning "every lofty thing raised up" by apostates "against the knowledge* of God".  (Zech 8:23)  (2 Cor 10:4,5). This knowledge* is the "Little Scroll" "prophesied again" with "harsh cries and raucous shouts".  (Rev 10:8-11.  Isaiah 28:10-13 NEB).

As for the stubborn rebellion of the apostates, the Spirit of the Lord's Judgement will be like a "fire" within them and will desolate and destroy them.  (Isaiah 66:15,16 NEB).

(Cont. on Page 8/8/89).

