(Cont. from Page 2/2/89).

Chapter 6:  The throne of Jehovah is shown to Isaiah in vision. Isaiah's lips are touched and his sins atoned for. Isaiah is then commissioned to tell the Jews that the dulling of their sensibilities is what prevents them from turning to Jehovah to be healed. Isaiah then asks: "How long, O Lord?" and Jehovah replies: "Until cities fall in ruins and are deserted". (6:11 NEB). But although there is to be "a cutting down [of them], there is a stump; a holy seed will be the stump of it." With these events the "new heaven" and the "new earth" that Jehovah is creating will begin.  (2 Peter 3:13). The Jews shall continue in a state of spiritual blindness until Jehovah extends His mercy to them through The Christ Michael. (Rom 11:25-32). The anointed "holy seed" is being gathered from the Gentiles     a nation "producing its fruits". This diversification is recorded in Matthew 21:43. Jehovah does not intend natural born Jews on earth to become the holy nation of God on earth, for those of the heavenly "seed" are gathered from many nations.  (Rom 2:28,29 NEB).

Chapter 7:  Jews of the house of David were, and are still, tiring both God and man. But Isaiah told them that Jehovah would give them a sign. The sign was of a coming one, Immanuel ('With us is God'). He became Jesus ('Saviour') when he was anointed (Christ) by God to carry out His expressed Will. Now that he has returned to heaven, he has regained his heavenly name, our Lord Michael ('Who is like God'). Our Lord Jesus Christ is still rejected by Jews, even though they are aware of the sign of the maiden who would become pregnant and give birth to a son, Immanuel.

Chapter 8:  Here Isaiah makes it known that he and the children whom Jehovah had given him were "as signs and as miracles in Israel". This "shadow" of a future reality has its fulfilment in faithful anointed sons of God and the offspring Jehovah has given them. But as for those seeking guidance of false gods and spirit mediums, inquiring of the dead on behalf of the living: "So despondency and fear will come over them, and then, when they are afraid and fearful, they will turn against their king and their gods. Then, whether they turn their gaze upwards or look down, everywhere is distress and darkness inescapable, constraint and gloom that cannot be avoided".  (8:21,22 NEB.  See Rev 9:20,21 16:10,11).

Chapter 9:  On that day when Jehovah is delivering His beloved people: "The yoke of their load and the rod upon their shoulders, the staff of the one driving them to work" will be "shattered to pieces". (9:4)  (See 14:3  7). Servants of Jehovah will rejoice when the glory of God shines upon heavenly Mount Zion. (9:2,3)  (See 60:1  3). All  those warring against the incoming heavenly government of Mount Zion will be as fuel for the Spirit "fire" of the Lord's Judgement. (9:5 & 18,19 NEB). The boy that was born to us "to bear the symbol of dominion on his  shoulder; and he shall be called in purpose wonderful, in battle God like, father for all time,  Prince of  Peace" is The Christ Michael. (9:6 NEB). The "throne of David" he will establish and forever sustain with righteousness and justice.

Those who in their pride and arrogance against God say: "Bricks are what have fallen, but with hewn stone we shall build" (that which Jehovah has torn down) (9:10), will have their "head and tail, shoot and rush" cut off from the sons of "Israel" in that day. (The aged and honoured are the "head", and the prophet giving false instruction is the "tail"). (9:14,15). Jehovah will not even have mercy upon young men, fatherless boys or widows that are apostates and evildoers. The spirits of wicked ones will be set ablaze like a fire fed with briars and thorns. (9:17).  "The  land is scorched by the fury of the Lord of Hosts, and the people have become fuel for the fire."  (9:19 NEB).

(Cont. on Page 4/2/89).

