The presence of The Christ, which has now been made known in vision, is for the clearing away of the spirit of uncleanness from among his spiritually gathered ones in preparation for the coming Judgement  of  God.  (1 Peter 4:17 19).

The Christ's presence is made known only to his Spirit anointed followers in vision, and later by manifestations during the daystar's rising, at that period of a new day. (2 Peter 1:19). I received the gift of the bright "morning star" in vision on the morning of the 8th of November 1983, and received Spirit foreknowledge of the sign of the presence of the Son  of man The Christ "coming on the clouds of heaven" on the morning of the 25th of January 1984.  (Rev 2:28.  Matt 24:29,30).

This wonderful gift of the "morning star" is confirmation of Spirit communications from The Christ to his approved anointed brothers. "Authority over the nations" has been signalled in vision, though not as yet received     excepting authority over my own sons.  (Rev 2:26-29).

We now await God's promised forgiveness of the sins of those of Jewish descent, as it is written. (Rom 11:25 32) (Matt 23:37 39). In connection with the Gentiles, the opportunity for them to be gathered to the Kingdom of God through the "good news" of The Christ's propitiatory sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins has ceased. (Rev 10:7). This fact is declared in The Opened "Little Scroll". Since The Christ's earthly ministry, the principal heavenly work through the "good news" has been the creation and sanctification of 144,000 Spirit anointed sons of God to be a heavenly Kingdom of priests and judges, followed by a "great crowd" of other "sheep" like persons under one shepherd, The Christ.  (Rev 5:9,10.  7:4-10.  John 10:14-16).

The Second Coming and revelation of The Christ Michael from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming Spirit "fire" will bring distress to many. (2 Thess 1:7,8). For the "house of David" (of Jewish descent) there will be "bitter lamentation" when Jehovah pours out upon them His Spirit of "favour and entreaties", revealing those whose spirits would pierce The Christ and his anointed brothers. The Spirit of "favour and entreaties" is the Spirit of God administered through The Christ Michael the Firstborn Son of God upon mankind.  (Zech 12:10 14).

"For it is the appointed time for the Judgement to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God? "And if the righteous [man] is being saved with difficulty, where will the unGodly [man] and the sinner make a showing?" So, then, also let those who are suffering in harmony with the Will of God keep on commending their souls to a faithful Creator while they are doing good."  (1 Peter 4:17-19).

R. Thomas. Anointed.
