
UNCANNY  POWER  AND  TERAPHIM".  (From 1 Samuel 15:23).

(Pages 777 to 862 of the "Little Scroll" denounce the use of uncanny power and teraphim).

Jehovah God rejected Saul as king of Israel. Why? Because of his rebelliousness, "erecting a monument for himself" rather than "obeying the voice of Jehovah". (15:12&19). The reason why he disobeyed Jehovah is stated in verse 24: "I have sinned; for I have overstepped the order of Jehovah and your words, because I feared the people and so obeyed their voice."  (See 15:22-24).

On meeting Samuel, Saul said, "I have carried out the word of Jehovah." (15:13). But he lied, which is "the same as the sin of divination, and pushing ahead presumptuously the same as using uncanny power and teraphim." (15:23).  Disobeying the voice of Jehovah is spiritistic rebellion.


Weird, supernatural, unsafe to associate with.


Venturing beyond what one has ground for, forward, arrogant.


Family god or idol, household deity.


Seeking to know the future or hidden things by
means and spiritistic power.

Fear of the people and the use of uncanny power are what manifest a false prophet. They may give an impression of righteousness, but their prophecies do not adhere to the Word of God. Their false teachings do not have the Spirit of truth from Almighty God, so cannot benefit mankind or teach the Will of God that they might get saved through The Christ.  (John 14:15-171 Cor 15:28).

The "man of lawlessness" of the sect falsely calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses is made up of false prophets. They venture beyond the Scriptures in what they declare, and push ahead of the Will of God and His appointed "times  and  Law". (2 John V.9.  1 Tim 1:5-7). To "erect a monument" to themselves, they utter smooth and seductive sayings, changing the "times and Law" of God to facilitate a "monument" to their  falsehood, and becoming like gods to their "house" of "intense lovers".  (Dan 7:25.  2 Thess 2:1-4)  (Zech 13:4 6).

Jehovah says to unfaithful covenant-leavers, the "drunkards of Ephraim" that are the "rulers of this  people" (JWs), that He will "flood out" their "place of concealment" (lies) by the Spirit "hail" of His Judgement.  (28:14,17).
(V.1) "Eminent crown"

Self-exalted prominence over faithful anointed brothers of The Christ.

"Fading blossom"

False prophecies that were once their source of pride and exaltation over faithful anointed sons of God, but will fade and die without spiritual "fruitage".

"Fertile valley" Fertile "soil" in the spiritual "land" of God.
"Overpowered by wine"

"Drunk" with power and adulation from the "clusters" of their "intense lovers", the "vine of the earth".  (Rev 14:18 20).

(V.2) "Vigorous" one

The Christ Michael.


The Spirit of the Judgement of God upon apostates on earth.

"Flooding waters"

Unpolluted Spirit denunciations from God that will "flood out" apostates.

(V.3) "Trampled down"

The apostate teachings, false prophecies and self-exaltation of unfaithful covenant-leavers over faithful anointed brothers of The Christ will be crushed.

(V.4) "Early fig(s)
before summer"

Before Jehovah reveals each of His Spirit teachings in due season, apostates press ahead presumptuously with an uncanny demonic spirit and falsely declare the fulfilment of scriptures before they are due. Without Holy Spirit from God, an apostate covenant-leaver is unable to discern a Spirit teaching or prophecy from God correctly, so by uncanny demonic power he "swallows it down" prematurely. (Dan 11:31,32). Apostates declare the fulfilment of prophecies of God in a self-glorifying way before they are due, and their superfluous unripe apostate teachings will be exposed by the Spirit of the Lord's Judgement within them.

(Cont. on Page 863B).

