

"However, keep on remembering the former days in which, after you were enlightened, you endured a great contest under sufferings, sometimes while you were being exposed as in a theatre both to reproaches and tribulations, and sometimes while you became sharers with those who were having such an experience."  (Heb 10:32,33).

"My brothers, whenever you have to face trials (1) of many kinds, count yourselves supremely happy, in the knowledge that such testing of your faith breeds fortitude, and if you give fortitude full play you will go on to complete a balanced character that will fall short in nothing."  (James 1:2  4 NEB).

'Be not afraid of these trials which God may see fit to (allow) upon you. It is with the wind  and storm of tribulation (2) that God separates the true wheat from the chaff. Always remember, therefore, that God comes to you in your sorrows, as really as in your joys.  He lays low, and He builds up. You will find yourself far from perfection, if you do not find God in everything.'  (M. Molinos).

'The vexation, restlessness, and impatience which small trials cause, arise wholly from our ignorance and want of self-control. We may be thwarted and troubled, it is true, but these things put us into a condition for exercising patience and meek submission, and the self abnegation (3)  wherein alone the fullness of God is to be found.'  (De Renty).

"But after you have suffered a little while, the God of all undeserved kindness, who called you to his everlasting glory in union with Christ, will Himself finish your training, He will make your firm, He will make you strong."  (1 Peter 5:10).

'Your external circumstances may change, toil may take the place of rest, sickness of health, trials may thicken within and without.
Externally, you are the prey of such circumstances; but if your heart is stayed on God, no changes or chances can touch it, and all that may befall you will but draw you closer to Him. Whatever the present moment may bring, your knowledge that it is His Will, and that your future heavenly life will be influenced by it, will make all not only tolerable, but welcome to you, while no vicissitudes (4) can affect you greatly, knowing that He who holds you in His powerful hand cannot change, but abides forever.'  (J. N. Grou).

"Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword? ...To the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious through him that loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  (From Rom 8:35-39).

"Thus the Lord is well able to rescue the Godly out of trials, and to reserve the wicked under punishment until the day of Judgement."  (2 Peter 2:9 NEB).

"So far you have faced no trial beyond what man can bear. God keeps faith, and He will not allow you to be tested above your powers, but when the test comes He will at the same time provide a way out, by enabling you to sustain it."  (1 Cor 10:13 NEB).

'Take courage, and turn your troubles, which are without remedy, into material for spiritual progress. Often turn to our Lord, who is watching you, poor frail little being as you are, amid your labours and distractions. He sends you help, and blesses your affliction. This thought should enable you to bear your troubles patiently and gently, for love of Him who only allows you to be tried for your own good. Raise your heart continually to God, seek His aid, and let the foundation stone of your consolation be your happiness in being His. All vexations and annoyances will be comparatively unimportant while you know that you have such a Friend, such a Stay, such a Refuge. May God be ever in your heart.'  (F. De Sales).

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those in any sort of tribulation through the comfort with which we ourselves are being comforted by God. For just as the sufferings for the Christ abound in us, so the comfort we get also abounds through the Christ."  (2 Cor 1:3-5).

"My dear friends, do not be bewildered by the fiery ordeal that is upon you, as though it  were something extraordinary. It gives you a share in Christ's sufferings, and that is cause for joy; and when his glory is revealed, your joy will be triumphant."  (1 Peter 4:12,13 NEB).

"…and you, because you put your faith in God, are under the protection of His power until salvation comes     the salvation which is even now in readiness and will be revealed at the end of time. This is cause for great joy, even though now you smart for a little while, if need be, under trials of many kinds. Even gold passes through the assayer's fire, and more precious than perishable gold is faith which has stood the test. These trials come so that your faith may prove  itself worthy of all praise, glory, and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed."  (From 1 Peter 1:5  7 NEB).

"As a result we ourselves take pride in you among the congregations of God because of  your endurance and faith in all your persecutions and the tribulations that you are bearing.  This is a proof of the righteous Judgement of God, leading to your being counted worthy of the Kingdom of God, for which you are indeed suffering."  (2 Thess 1:4,5).

"Happy the man who remains steadfast under trial, for having passed that test he will receive for his prize the gift of life promised to those who love God."  (James 1:12 NEB).

"…We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations."  (From Acts 14:22).



Tests of one's endurance, patience, or faith.
Hence:  Affliction, trouble, misfortune.

(2) TRIBULATION: Affliction, oppression.
(3) SELF-ABNEGATION: Surrender of oneself.
(4) VICISSITUDES: Changes of fortune.

