


At some time or another, nations throughout the world have warred with other nations. Killing and being killed in their millions. Why? Because those to whom people foolishly give their allegiance, in order to be governed by them, do not know how to effect lasting  peace and happiness. The reason is they have contempt for their Creator, Almighty God and so are not blessed by Him.

There is only one truly harmonious way of life that brings lasting peace and happiness, and which guarantees an everlasting future in paradise. It is called: The "Way". (John 14:6). People can only benefit from The "Way" of The Christ by their obedience to the spiritual teachings administered through Spirit anointed members of the "body" of Christ, and by making the necessary spirit readjustments in their lives in accordance with these administrators of The "Way" in whom such personal spirit readjustments have already been made.  (Eph 4:12).

"And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ, until we all attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ; in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind  of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error."  (Eph 4:11-14 NWT).


Admiring the spectacle of religious traditions performed by those dressed in outlandish sectarian garb under gothic church architecture to lend false credibility to their apostasy, cannot save you. The Christ did not advocate any of these things, and he is exposing all false sectarian religions for Judgement.

The following are typical examples of public exposure of false religions by The Christ: Between 1950 and 2002 there were 10,667 reported cases of child sex abuse committed by 4,392 Catholic priests in the United States. Because the Catholic church forbids their clergy to marry, their deviant passions overcome them.  (1 Tim 4:1-3). Other sham-priests sheltered them rather than root them out!  (1 Cor 5:12,13 NEB).  These figures were provided by the National Review Board of U.S. Catholic bishops. Similarly, 23,720 reported cases of child sex abuse were committed by adult members of the sect of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. Many perpetrators were sheltered by sham-'elders'.

Robert Bennett of the National Review Board (a lay panel formed by Catholic bishops) offered the following excuse for the evil acts committed by Catholic priests against Almighty God: '"Many dysfunctional psychosexually immature men were admitted into seminaries and later ordained in the priesthood.' Abuse by clergy peaked in 1970, when one in 10 priests 'ordained' in that year was accused of abuse.

 Only God can ordain men for His service,
and does so by means of His Holy Spirit.

Former members of sects must separate themselves from the "wind of teaching" and evil examples being set by such evil men who cunningly contrive error to suppress the truth. People remaining in their false teachings will perish with them. (2 Thess 2:9-12). The Opened "Little Scroll" teaches The "Way" and overturns "every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God". (2 Cor 10:4,5 NWT). Click on: The "Way" and begin separating yourself from the hypocrisy and trickery of apostate teachers of spiritistic "Babylon".  (Rev 18:4-8).

All these sectarian men acting as priests are not members of The Christ's "body". While cunningly quoting scriptures, they do so fraudulently. Their corrupted way of life is proof that they do not have a love of the truth. Although they may understand the basic requirements of the new covenant through The Christ, their very lives are a contravention of it. They are apostates. Consequently, obey the command of God: "Get out of her, My people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues." (Rev 18:4). As prophesied, Babylon/Iraq is being desolated. Do not be found living in accordance with any of the "harlot" religions of sectarian "Babylon", for in doing so you will be abandoned in the Judgement of God. (Rev 17:5).  Separate yourselves now, before it is too late!

Only when those remaining of mankind are willingly obedient to the Spirit principles of truth and fine conduct of The "Way" of The Christ, will people care for one another and enjoy doing so     with a sanctified mind and spirit.  No one will be left in need or unloved.


