So many false assertions are made concerning "Babylon", and by those who actually contribute towards its Godless system. It was after the revelations described in Chapter three, the discovery of unscriptural applications of God's Word and patterns of unrighteous behaviour among the sect of JWs, that it became clear to me that I was being freed by the Spirit of God. Through Spirit communications from God I was gradually being spiritually refined, and the last link in the chain of cunningly contrived indoctrination by spiritistic "Babylon" was broken. (59)

Regardless of the consequences, it was my eagerness for the accurate knowledge of God's Word that helped me to discover the truth (in contrast to falsely called 'knowledge'), and to break this last link. It was certainly the most difficult one to break, because our enemies proved to be those we had once believed were our Christian friends     those whose religion was but a precept of men, learnt by rote, displaying specious patterns of behaviour for every occasion, and ready  made excuses for unchristian conduct. (Isaiah 29:13,14 NEB). They were unable to offer a single argument in rebuttal of the indisputable scriptural evidence which proves their misinterpretation of God's Word is, in fact, apostasy.  Instead, they wilfully ostracized me and my family to dispirit us into submission.  This led to complete excommunication from those whom we previously believed to be our Christian brothers and sisters. But while as a family we expected to feel the sadness of such a loss, we felt only the joy of release!

As for those who prefer to remain under the "veil" of apostate JW indoctrination     who  love  the  "Lie"    they actually love being schooled in the "deep secrets of satan".  (Rev 2:24 NEB). They are always learning, but do not have a love for the truth. Their unchristian behaviour exposes them as liars. (2 Thess 2:9-12).  Gullible converts are unaware of the cunning methods being implemented to twist the intended meaning of the Scriptures to give JWs a false credibility, and to persuade these converts to go from house to house to seek and destroy the spiritual inclinations of prospective servants of God. They seek to establish Bible Studies with prospective holy ones merely to instil in them their changing of the "times and Law" of God and "to try making a vision come true" (not the Will of God and His fulfilments, but their own fabricated "vision" to give glory to themselves). (60)

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