It was reported to Jesus: "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside wanting to see you." In  reply  he  said to them: "My mother and my brothers are these who hear the Word of God and do it."  (Luke 8:20,21.  Matt 12:47-50).

With reference to my family of blood relatives   and there are four still living, a brother, and three sisters   they still reject the Holy Word from God, and so do not carry out the Will of my Heavenly Father.  But those with true faith in God do, which is proof of their having genuine faith.

Many say, 'We have our own faith', and yet do not speak of, practice, or share one word of God with others. Instead, they openly disobey the requirements of faith and reject faithful ones wanting to share their faith with them. Because, like rebellious children, they refuse to be corrected by God's Word, they refuse to humble themselves before God, and so are unwilling to suffer the persecution that ensues when upholding righteous principles of the Word of God. (Matt 5:10.  John 15:18-21 NEB).  As cowards, unbelievers utter such dismissive excuses as: 'We don't want your faith pushed down our throats.' This is a widely used excuse. Unbelieving relatives think that 'blood ties us together'     which of course it does not. Only a shared unity with God and His Son does. Furthermore, we must not allow ourselves to become "unevenly yoked with unbelievers."  (2 Cor 6:14).

Some time ago, a stranger whom my son and I had called upon with the Word of God said: 'Do you know what you people are?  You're drop-outs.'  And he was right, for we do not mix socially with worldly persons (i.e.) fornicators, rapacious persons, swindlers, idolaters, slanderers, drunkards, etc. (1 Cor 5:9-11 NEB). Such unclean behaviour is advocated and practiced by those who belong to this world. Among their number are apostates, practicing homosexuals, murderers, sorcerers, persecutors, etc, etc.  (See Rev 21:8 & Matt 5:11).

How can one offer the "Way" of The Christ to another if the recipient raises meaningless objections     whatever approach is tried or deeds are done for them? (John 14:6).  Failure can sometimes be extremely frustrating, especially when it relates to a close relative for whom one once had affection, and when we know that only those adopting the "Way" of The Christ will inherit salvation. (1 Peter 4:17,18.  Eph 6:12). Though we know that "faith  is  not a possession of all people", we may still feel we have failed them. (2 Thess 3:2).  Let us console ourselves with the following inspired words from our Lord through his apostle Paul: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow; so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but  God who makes it grow."  (1 Cor 3:6,7).

So let us pray to God that He might bring potentially righteous ones to whom we have revealed the "Way", out from their "darkness" and into the light of spiritual understanding, that they too might achieve true spiritual growth.

