Ancient Assyria, Nazi Germany, and more recently the US/UK coalition, are powers used by God to express His anger upon Godless nations. (Isaiah 10:5 NEB). The last "Assyrian" has proven to be the US/UK "image" of the political "wild beast".  In fulfilment of Revelation 17:17 Almighty God has put it into the hearts of members of the "ten kings" (U.N.) and world rulers to carry out His "one thought" to desolate the Godless nation of Babylon/Iraq.

In the same manner as former world powers of the symbolic "Assyrian", the US/UK world power boasts of its wisdom and understanding in removing the "boundaries of peoples" (including the boundaries of the Palestinian people removed by the State of Israel).  (10:13).

For their boasting, Jehovah has said He will send upon them a "wasting disease, and under his glory a burning will keep burning away like the burning of a fire." (10:16,17).  Investigations into their so-called "wisdom" and "understanding" have already begun.  Spirit "burning" will follow.

The "wasting disease" upon the "Assyrian" will begin when Jehovah "terminates all His work in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem".  Jehovah is here referring to spiritual people of "Mount Zion", and indicates that the US/UK coalition is currently the last "Assyrian" before the Rule of God commences.  (10:12).

""And it must occur that when Jehovah terminates all His work in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, I shall make an accounting for the fruitage of the insolence of the heart of the king of Assyria and for the self  importance of his loftiness of eyes. For he has said, 'With the power of my hand I shall certainly act, and with my wisdom, for I do have understanding; and I shall remove the boundaries of peoples, and their things stored up I shall certainly pillage, and I shall bring down the inhabitants just like a powerful one. And just as if a nest, my hand will reach the resources of the peoples; and just as when one gathers eggs that have been left, I myself will gather up even all the earth, and there will certainly be no one fluttering his wings or opening his mouth or chirping.'"

Will the ax enhance itself over the one chopping with it, or the saw magnify itself over the one moving it back and forth, as though the staff moved back and forth the ones raising it on high, as though the rod raised on high the one who is not wood? Therefore the true Lord, Jehovah of armies, will keep sending upon his fat ones a wasting disease, and under his glory a burning will keep burning away like the burning of a fire.  And Israel's Light must become a fire, and his Holy One a flame; and  it must blaze up and eat up his weeds and his thornbushes in one day. And the glory of his forest and of his orchard He will bring to an end, even from the soul clear to the flesh, and it must become like the melting away of one that is ailing.  And the rest of the trees of his forest     they will become such a number that a mere boy will be able to write them down.

And it will certainly occur in that day that those remaining over of Israel and those who have escaped of the house of Jacob will never again support themselves upon the  one striking them, and they will certainly support themselves upon Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, in trueness. A mere remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the Mighty God. For although your people, O Israel, would prove to be like the grains of sand of the sea, a mere remnant among them will return. An extermination decided upon will be flooding through in righteousness, because an exterminating and a strict decision the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies, will be executing in the midst of the whole land."  (Isaiah 10:12-23).

