(Cont. from Page 20/11/89).


(Page 4).

A husband with an adulterous wife may dismiss her.  She is unclean.

 We have one mediator, our Lord The Christ Michael.
Justice and instruction you should seek from his anointed underpriests.

 Sacrificing a ruined male animal was cursed by God.
How great then the sin of offering up a ruined one to serve as a priest of God?

 To reject anointed priests of God is to rob Him and the nations.
Obeying His priests will bring a blessing until there is no more want.

 A day is coming when you will be able to tell good men from bad,
those serving Him from those who have not served Him,
those with Holy Spirit from those without His holiness.

 How can one's spirit be created without some measure of adversity?
To refine them the "third part" is brought through "fire".

 Knowing and righteously answering the needs of others is showing love.

 The wealthy merely acquire possessions. The faithful acquire immortality.
So why do you complain?  Is it because you have neither?

 Tyrannical rulers create grinding hardship.  Faithless fools sustain it.

 A sharpened blade is dangerous in the hand of a fool,
so too is confidential talk in the ear of a gossip.

 An adulteress seeks both your body and your soul,
trampling on your spirit growth to destroy you.

 The wiles of an unruly woman will rob a man of his dignity.

 The wife who is a glory of a faithful husband is also a delight before God.

 A wise man takes more time over a serious matter than a fool.
For the same reason, take time to find one who is wise.

 (Cont. on Page 26/11/89).

