(Cont. from Page 16/10/94C).

There was an old lady with horrible garlic breath and a retarded son. The Witnesses avoided her. But since they were taught that we are all equal in God's sight, and equally lovable, they couldn't take the responsibility for disliking her. They'd say, "What will people of goodwill think about her? She'll turn people away from The Truth." So they felt justified in ignoring her. She was poor and unattractive, and she had an even more grossly unattractive son. She had a dogged determination to be a Witness, but an imperfect grasp of Witness theology. It was a deadly combination.  (Pg.79).

A young woman who had been a full-time field worker (a "pioneer") came to Bethel headquarters after her husband had died of a sudden heart attack and her son had, accidentally it was supposed, hanged himself. She  was put to work in the laundry room, operating a giant press. She was a perpetually smiling, sweet, singularly unassertive woman who seemed to have put her personal tragedies behind her. One day, her glasses slipped off and were smashed in the press. She began to howl and scream and cry that immemorial cry     "Why me?" Her roommate reported that she cried "Why me?" in her sleep. She was judged unstable. She was given a Greyhound ticket to her parent's home in the North-west.  (Pg.80).

An old man, who had been at Bethel for thirty years, grew senile. His senility took the form of his muttering obscenities at the dining-room table. He was given two "warnings," which his hardened arteries obviously couldn't assimilate, and then ordered to leave. He had no resources, financial or emotional. He was last seen begging in downtown Brooklyn. (Pg.80).  Followers of The Christ would not allow this.  It was the Nazis who tried to create a master race of young healthy people, not our Lord Jesus.

The Watchtower Society operates a small fruit farm in Washington, New Jersey, and a grain farm in South Lansing, New York. A 1,698-acre farm near Newburgh, New York, provides food for the 1,400 headquarters workers… And there are herds of beef cattle… and dairy cattle; and pigs... Beef is dressed here, bacon smoked, pig jowls are steamed in enormous kettles to be used as liverwurst... It takes... 60 pigs for a pork-chop meal. (Pg.82).  Those "eating the flesh of the pig and the loathsome thing, even the jumping rodent, they will all together reach their end," is the utterance of Jehovah."  (From Isaiah 66:17).

Rank-and-file Witnesses believe absolutely that the Society's stewardship is beyond reproach; they ask no questions. To question the Lord's "governing body," we are told, is to doubt the Lord Himself. (Pg.83).  It is because unsealed 'elders' appointed by the 'governing body' of JWs are the apostate "man of lawlessness" that the activities of this sect are being revealed by the Spirit of the Lord's mouth, before they are annihilated "by the radiance of his coming."  (2 Thess 2:3 NWT & 2:8 NEB).

A community leader expressed the majority sentiment: "While they're smiling and peddling sweet salvation, they're acting like godzilla, gobbling up property, evicting people as if we were squatters on land which will eventually belong to them anyhow     when Jehovah gets rid of us. They don't mug anybody, they maintain their property well... but they don't pay taxes, and they don't contribute to communal life. How can you preach everlasting life and at the same time not care about people who have lived here all their lives? There are 1500 Witnesses living among us in their headquarters buildings, but they might as well be surrounded by a moat. It's as if we were living with a mediaeval commune in our midst." (Pg.85).  JWs salve their consciences with readymade excuses whenever they are caught infringing the rights of their fellow man.

(Cont. on Page 16/10/94E).

