(Cont. from Page 27/9/84).


"He will… send out an officer with a royal escort to extort tribute".
(Daniel 11:20 NEB).

A dissident group alleged that, 'the (Shah) Pahlavi Foundation and the royal family had shares in most country's businesses'. It had 'sizeable interests in 17 banks and insurance companies, 25 metallurgical plants, 8 mining companies, 10 building materials factories, 45 construction companies, and so on.'  ('The Fall of the Shah' by F. Hoveyda. Pg.104).

"Those whom he favours he will load with honour, putting them in office over the common people and distributing land at a price." (Dan 11:39 NEB). In 1950, the Shah gave away his lands     peasants became owners. They kissed his feet in genuflection (their ritual when receiving gifts of land). This was part of his 'twelve points of the white revolution     they were six at the beginning and gradually added to'. He gave away 1¼ million acres. The "price" was that they should consider him absolute monarch.  ('The Imperial Shah' by G. de Villiers. Pg.288 & 289).

After the 2,300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8:13,14 were concluded on January 19th 1979, a further 3½ years elapsed before the "appointed times" were completed on July 2nd 1982. (Rev 11:11). According to Daniel's prophecy, satan gains control of the treasures of Egypt through the demonic activities of the "king of the North", with Libyans and Ethiopians following in his train. He pitches his royal pavilion of authority between "the sea" (mankind) and "the holy hill" (spiritual Mount Zion), where he "will meet his end with no one to help him." (Dan 11:45 NEB). Now that the integral periods that make up the "appointed times" of the prophecy of Daniel have been fulfilled, these last events are before "that moment" when  "Michael  shall  appear".  (12:1 NEB)  (See Eph 1:10).

"He (1) will resolve to subjugate all the dominions of the king of the South; and he will come to fair terms with him, and he (2) will give him a young woman in marriage, for the destruction of the kingdom; but she will not persist nor serve his purpose."  (11:17 NEB).

He (1):  The Shah resolved to overthrow the multi-party democratic system of government advocated by the "king of the South" so that he could rule via an autocratic one-party State.

he (2):  King Farouk gave his sister Fawzia in marriage to the Crown Prince (later the Shah) of Iran in 1938. However, she did not serve his purpose and they divorced. 'Fawzia did leave Iran in the spring of 1945 on the pretext of visiting her family in Egypt. She never came back, and some time later a court communiqué announced their divorce.'  ('The Fall of the Shah'. Pg.101).

"TO EXHORT TRIBUTE".  (Dan 11:20 NEB).
According to the book, 'The Fall of the Shah', there was a 'quadrupling of the price of oil.' (Pg.36). 'Middle-men proliferated, extorting huge sums by putting foreigners in touch with the higher officials in charge of executing the Shah's ambitious programmes. Various European ex‑royals secured some stupendous contracts for European manufacturers thanks to their entrée at court. Prosperity came on the scene, with its following of injustice, inequality and corruption.' (Pg.56). His 'grandiose projects and arms purchases rapidly absorbed the increase in oil revenues… He was already considering a further boost in the price of oil to make up for the shortfall in earnings resulting from the drop in exports.' In October 1976 during an interview the Shah said: '(Till now) we have not asked the people for sacrifices.' (Pg.57). But "After a short time this king too will meet his end, yet neither openly nor in battle."  (11:20 NEB).  The Shah died of cancer while in exile in July 1980.

