The "restraint" that operated against apostate men and women and revealed them as antichrist before the coming Day of Jehovah, proved to be anointed sons of God. (2 Thess 2:6-8.  Rev 7:4). By our very presence, we as members of the "body" of The Christ were a "restraint" against their "lying signs and portents". (2:9). We  exposed the evil dispositions of those who came to a knowledge of God and offered up a vow to obey His Will through The Christ, but  who then turned to apostasy.  As a group, this "man of lawlessness" is antichrist, stumbling prospective members of the "other sheep, which are not of this fold".  (John 10:16).

So that this last generation of antichrists could don their long-awaited and much desired evil authority in Christ's congregations, they first had to envelop the minds of members with "lying signs and portents". This was so that they could attract many more members in readiness for the next stage of the great antichrist satan's "powerful work"The time finally arrived for this work: To rid themselves of the few remaining anointed sons of God in Christ's congregations who were acting as a "restraint" by the authority invested in them: Holy Spirit of God.  Being rid of us by "trampling" and ostracizing us, their usurpation of our authority then took place. For  rejecting their "disgusting thing" of self-appointed unsealed 'elders' standing in authority in our holy place they excommunicated us, but were unable to mislead true anointed sons of the Kingdom. The antichrists have deprived themselves of all hope.  (2 Thess 2:1-12.  Rev 11:1-3.  Matt 24:15.  Dan 11:30-32).

Those who claim to be anointed but who still remain in the apostate teachings of antichrist are now revealed before the coming Day of God as those saying they are spiritual "Jews" but are liars. All unsealed men acting as 'elders' in JW congregations are lying usurpers whom our Lord said will "come and do obeisance" before the feet of faithful anointed ones. (Rev 3:9). Their obeisance will be to faithful anointed brothers of The Christ whom they betrayed with their evil dispositions, ill-treatment and ostracism.  (Matt 25:41-46).

When the time came for this composite "man of lawlessness" to be revealed, Jehovah allowed their evil dispositions to be made manifest. What these antichrists demonstrated was their willingness to participate in the removal of Christ's authority in his congregations. (2:7,8). They engaged in evil acts of a dispiriting nature, and by ostracizing them prevented anointed ones from speaking out against their apostasy. At the time, it gave apostates a twisted sense of freedom and confidence. They even sent "gifts" of authority to one another and rejoiced in their success. (Rev 11:9,10). They, and those made subject to them, knew they were sharing in the work of converting many to believe in publications containing "lying signs and portents". Because they did this in the vicinity of the "wheat" class of faithful anointed sons of God who once frequented their congregations, they are "darnel" or "children of the  evil one" that angels of The Christ have been instructed to gather out from his Kingdom for Judgement by Spirit "fire".  "Children of the evil one" are not members of The Christ's congregations.  (Matt 13:36  43 NEB).

Antichrists twist the meaning of the Holy Word of God in an attempt to bear out their "Lie" and remove authority from anointed sons of God. An example of this is their lying interpretation of the scripture: "They  went out from us, but they were not of our sort" treating anointed sons of God as though we were apostates. The truth is that by their evil activities antichrist apostates "went out from our company  (from  the  company of Christ's anointed  brothers), but  never  really belonged to us; if they had, they would have stayed with us."  (1 John 2:18,19 NWT)  (See NEB).

Not only has the mystery of apostate lawlessness now been revealed, but also the means by which Jehovah has revealed who His anointed sons areThe power of antichrist was only in their force of numbers and wickedness. The antichrist "evil slave" are revealed as those who did "beat" their "fellow slaves" but go about falsely calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.

