(Cont. from Page 31/8/86A).


(From Wisdom of Solomon 2:1 to 3:5. The Apocrypha NEB).

"They said to themselves in their deluded way: 'Our life is short and full of trouble, and when a man comes to his end there is no remedy; no man was ever known to return from the grave. By mere chance were we born, and afterwards we shall be as though we had never been, for the breath in our nostrils is but a wisp of smoke; our reason is a mere spark kept alive by the beating of our hearts, and when that goes out, our body will turn to ashes and the breath of our life disperse like empty air. Our names will be forgotten with the passing of time, and no one will remember anything we did. Our life will blow over like the last vestige of a cloud; and as a mist is chased away by the sun's rays and overborne by its heat, so will it too be dispersed. A passing shadow     such is our life, and there is no postponement of our end; man's fate is sealed, and none returns. Come then, let us enjoy the good things while we can, and make full use of the creation, with all the eagerness of youth. Let us have costly wines and perfumes to our heart's content, and let no flower of spring escape us. Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds before they can wither. Let none of us miss his share of the good things that are ours; who cares what traces our revelry leaves behind? This is the life for us; it is our birthright.'

'Down with the poor and honest man! Let us tread him underfoot; let us show no mercy to the widow and no reverence to the grey hairs of old age. For us let might be right! Weakness is proved to be good for nothing. Let us lay a trap for the just man; he stands in our way, a check to us at every turn; he girds at us as Law  breakers, and calls us traitors to our upbringing. He knows God, so he says; he styles himself "the  servant of  the Lord". He is a living condemnation of all our ideas. The very sight of him is an affliction to us, because his life is not like other people's, and his ways are different. He rejects us like base coin, and avoids us and our ways as if we were filth; he says that the just die happy, and boasts that God is his Father. Let us test the truth of his words, let us see what will happen to him in the end; for if the just man is God's  son, God will stretch out a hand to him and save him from the clutches of his enemies. Outrage and torment are the means to try him with, to measure his forbearance and learn how long his patience lasts. Let us condemn him to a shameful death, for on his own showing he will have a protector.'

So they argued, and very wrong they were; blinded by their own malevolence, they did not understand God's hidden plan; they never expected that holiness of life would have its recompense; they thought that innocence had no reward. But God created man for immortality, and made him the image of His own eternal Self; it was the devil's spite that brought death into the world, and the experience of it is reserved for those who take his side.

But the souls of the just are in God's hand, and torment shall not touch them. In the eyes of foolish men they seemed to be dead; their departure was reckoned as defeat, and their going from us as disaster. But they are at peace, for though in the sight of men they may be punished, they have a sure hope of immortality; and after a little chastisement they will receive great blessings, because God has tested them and found them worthy to be His."

Consequently, and in accord with our claim, servants of the Lord gird at Law-breakers because they have contempt for Mosaic Law as the tutor leading to The Christ, and also have contempt for the Spirit Law of The Christ.  (Gal 3:24,25).

In relation to the persecution of us by the Godless, servants of the Lord exercise patience because they have come to know the "Way of Holiness", that it is their opportunity for immortal spirit life through "God's hidden plan", that immortality will be recompense for their holiness. The recompense described in Joel 2:18-32 and Revelation 11:18 will begin after the spiritual cleansing work of anointed "locusts" has been completed.  (Isaiah 35:8  10)  (Joel 2:25.  Rev 9:3-6).

