(From 2 Esdras Ch.15 & 16).

"Alas for you, Babylon and Asia! Alas for you, Egypt and Syria! Put on sackcloth and hair  shirt, and raise a howl of lamentation for your sons; your doom is close at hand."  (16:1,2 NEB).

"I will do to them as they are doing to My chosen people even to this day; I will pay them back in their own coin."  (15:21 NEB).

"They will flatten to the ground cities and walls, mountains and hills, trees in the woods and crops in the fields. They will advance all the way to Babylon, and blot it out. When they reach it, they will surround it, and let loose a storm in all its fury."  (15:42 44 NEB).

The book of Esdras gives ample description of the end of literal Babylon (Iraq) and of spiritistic "Babylon the great" existing in all nations of the world. After Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on August 2nd 1990 the UN Security Council passed a resolution condemning the invasion and demanded the withdrawal of Iraqi troops. On  August 6th another UN Resolution placed economic sanctions on Iraq. The Iraqi army are now within striking distance of one of Saudi Arabia's largest oil fields. Iraqi control of these fields as well as Kuwaiti and Iraqi reserves would give it control of most of the world's oil supply. There is now a military build-up of U.S. troops, tanks, and aircraft in Saudi Arabia, while the nations  through UN resolutions make preparations to "advance all the way to Babylon, and blot it out."  (15:28 to 16:34 NEB).

Many nations will become involved: "…The dust and smoke will reach the sky, and all her neighbours will mourn for Babylon. Any of her survivors will be enslaved by her destroyers." (15:44,45 NEB). "Hordes of dragons from Arabia will sally forth with countless chariots". These are already in place in Saudi Arabia in the form of military forces, tanks, trucks and aircraft. (15:29 NEB). "They will clash together, they will pour over the land a vast storm; blood, shed by the sword, will reach as high as a horse's belly, a man's thigh, or a camel's hock. Terror and trembling will cover the earth".  (15:35 37 NEB).

Now that the full number of anointed sons of God has been gathered in from all nations by the Spirit of God, those being gathered by The Christ into His spiritual house are the "great crowd". (Rev 7:4-10). Among them shall be survivors of the Jews. (Rom 11:25-27.  Zeph 3:11-13 NEB). Until now, Muslim nations have made it impossible for Jews to live in peace, involving them in a constant state of war. But all enemies of the Will of God will be paid back in their own coin, as it is written: "Wait for Me, therefore, says the Lord, wait for the day when I  stand up to accuse you;  for Mine it is to gather nations and assemble kingdoms, to pour out on them My indignation, all the heat of My anger;  the whole earth shall be consumed by the fire of My Jealousy."  (Zeph 3:8 NEB).

"Should I be so fierce with you, says the Lord, if you had not killed My chosen ones continually, gloating over the blows you struck them, and hurling your drunken taunts at their corpses?" (15:52,53 NEB). These  blows have been struck against all Spirit anointed sons of God in the world. Apostates of the nations were "cast clear out" for having spiritually "trampled" on and made spiritually inactive ("killed") faithful anointed sons of God.  (See Rev 11:1-10).

In addition to the countless deaths that the indignation of God will bring about, it will also cause economic collapse in all nations under the political control of the "wild beast" because their economies are interdependent. (Rev 13:15-17). To servants of God it is written: "And it must occur in that day that his load will depart from upon your shoulder, and his yoke from upon your neck, and the yoke will certainly be wrecked because of the oil."  (Isaiah 10:27).

