Just saying sorry is so easy. But being truly penitent and feeling deep regret over one's sins has a far more beneficial outcome. According to the Word of God, it is only by showing genuine remorse through deeds befitting one's repentance that we may approach God in prayer for forgiveness. (Matt 3:8 & Acts 26:20).  By contrast, those who approach God in prayer, but have no real intention of desisting from their sins, may say they are sorry to God many times, but their repentance is not genuine, and from the standpoint of God is an additional sin. (Rom 2:3-5). Proof of one's genuine repentance is an earnest desire to come to know and carry out the Will of God.  (Col 1:9,10).

To suppose that Jehovah will assist those who pray to Him while they wilfully persist in sin is wrong.  (Heb 10:26,27 NEB). The wisdom of God is not directed toward the promotion of sin. True, the Holy Scriptures state that Jehovah forgives sinners, but only when we acknowledge our sins and repentance leads to an earnest endeavour to stop sinning. Only then may we be forgiven for erring against our Creator. (Rom 6:1-4). Furthermore, the manner in which Jehovah answers prayerful requests is not according to human wisdom and timescale, but according to the all  excelling wisdom of God, so we may not always recognize how and when Jehovah has answered our requests.  (Matt 6:6).

Now to speak of those who have suffered in the flesh to some significant degree and have worked out the rebellious will of the nations: It is easier for such ones to realize the need to approach God for His acceptance of their repentance, so that they may be given a clean conscience to progress further. (1 Peter 3:21 & 4:1-4).  The following are The Christ's words through the apostle Peter on this very point: "…When a man has thus endured bodily suffering he has finished with sin, and for the rest of his days on earth he may live, not for the things that men desire, but for what God wills. You had time enough in the past to do all the things that men want to do in the pagan world." (1 Peter 4:1-3 NEB).  Bearing this in mind, it follows that a man who has endured bodily suffering but still refuses to repent is not able to carry out the Will of God, for he has not finished with wanton sinning. So forgiveness of sins by God leading to a heavenly resurrection after death is not offered to such a man, and all the pain and suffering he has undergone during his life has no value or meaning.

To desist from sin and to repent of one's past sins is the first requirement for one's advancement in the faith. The second is righteous deeds that prove one is truly repentant. The third requirement is one's humble obedience to the Word of God the Holy Scriptures, which must continue. Without His forgiveness, one will be held to account for all one's past sins in the Judgement of God. Concerning the seven "torments" for the wicked and the seven "joys" for the righteous after death, see 2 Esdras 7:78-99 NEB.

While unbelievers may question the importance of exercising faith in The Christ, the Holy Word answers thus: One is subjected to God only by the exercise of faith in His Son The Christ and remaining obedient to His spiritual requirements. Only those spiritually subjected by The Christ will receive everlasting spirit life.  (1 Cor 15:23  28).  It is also important to bear in mind that there will not be resurrections back to life on earth, but only resurrections to heavenly life. (See Subject Index: Resurrection).  There will, however, be a "new earth" for those walking on the "Way of Holiness" toward heavenly life.  (Isaiah 35:8-10.  Rev 21:1-4).

