(Cont. from Page 22/6/89).


Almighty God likens the indignation of justice towards wickedness to the "indignation of a virtuous woman towards a prostitute". (From 2 Esdras 16:49-52 NEB). The fierce indignation of God is upon those who seek solely to satisfy their fleshly desires for material things. It is evident that those pandering to fleshly appetites also hold spiritually sacred things in contempt. (1 John 2:15-17 NEB). The fleshly desires of the spirits of such ones are proof that they have contempt for the process of spirit creation by God. Only those who undergo the sanctification of their spirits by God will be saved.  (2 Cor 5:16,17 NEB).

As to the items described in 2 Esdras 16:35-78 and listed on Page 22/6/89 (Michael 4) that we must guard against: There is a clear distinction between what are material necessities for life, and lavish living. The Lord God has forewarned us about those caught living lavishly, especially when so much poverty exists: "You will be covered with confusion, when your sins are brought into the open, and your wicked deeds stand up to accuse you on that day."  (16:65 NEB). Those raising children during the Judgement of God risk raising them for a life of captivity and famine. That is why it is written: "Those who marry must expect no children; the unmarried must think of themselves as widowed."  (16:44 NEB).

Those attempting to "make you eat pagan sacrifices" are already perishing in their apostate teachings and  hypocrisy before God. (16:68 NEB.  2 Thess 2:9-12). Among them are those who threw those "who  fear  the  Lord" (anointed sons of God) "out of their homes" (congregations). Apostates plundered the  God  given spiritual "land" of anointed sons of God and His congregations "in all the neighbourhood" (in  neighbourhoods where they reside).  True servants of God were warned of this.  (2 Esdras 16:68  73 NEB).

When the calamities surround servants of God, we are instructed not to engage in buying or selling as merchants or traders. To build, sow, or harvest food for a living will then be futile.  For "all labour is labour in vain" when the deeds of mankind are scrutinized by the Spirit of the Lord's Judgement.  (16:40-46 NEB).

As sinners, we must not deny our past sins against God and man. If we do, we shall be exposed and humiliated by our Lord. Nor must we become weighed down with past sins. We must abandon our sins and have done with our wicked deeds for ever. (16:51-53 NEB.  16:66,67 NEB). The Godless are already being taunted with their "evil plottings and the tortures they are soon to endure" through a series of worldwide disasters:  Fire, storm, earthquake, deluge, plague, drought, famine, and war.  (13:37,38 & 9:9-12 NEB).

Next in fulfilment is the moment likened to a child's birth, when the one "whom the Most High has held in readiness" stands up in authority to "deliver the world He has made, and determine the lot of those who survive." He is the Archangel Michael.  (13:25,26 NEB).  He is the one who will begin the Day of God.  He will come from the "womb" of heaven on "clouds" of distress for mankind, "and the world will groan under the pangs that grip it."  (16:38,39 NEB & Matt 24:30).

(Cont. on Page 30/6/89).

