(Cont. from Page 27/4/87).


(OR "HINDRANCES" OR "TEMPTATIONS".  Matt 18:7 NWT.  RSV.  Moffatt).


Of prophetic or denunciatory utterances, a condition
of affliction, distress, calamity or overwhelming grief.

Matthew 18:7 does not teach that a man through whom a woe is prophesied by Jehovah is thereby one through whom a "stumbling block" will come. For "stumbling blocks" laid before the people by Jehovah Himself have a righteous purpose. (Jer 6:18-21 Moffatt). Through Jeremiah the prophet, Jehovah describes the apostasy of a people in Zion who had consistently refused to obey His Word, and gave warning of a cruel nation that would be sent by Him as an assayer and refiner of them. Jehovah prophesied what the fruitage and outcome of their disobedience would be.  (Jer 6:9-30).

Guardian angels before the face of Jehovah may be assigned to remove "stumbling blocks" to protect His beloved people. (Matt 18:10). It may also include the removal of the person through whom the cause for stumbling has been fabricated, and in rare cases the death of that one. This is for the following reason: "It  is  not  your Heavenly   Father's Will that one of these little ones should be lost."  (18:14 NEB)  (Please read Matt 18:1  10).

Concerning "stumbling blocks", the apostle Paul gave this example:
"Let us therefore cease judging one another, but rather make this simple judgement: that no obstacle or stumbling-block be placed in a brother's way. I am absolutely convinced, as a Christian, that nothing is impure in itself; only, if a man considers a particular thing impure, then to him it is impure. If your brother is outraged by what you eat, then your conduct is no longer guided by love. Do not by your eating bring disaster to a man for whom Christ died! What for you is a good thing must not become an occasion for slanderous talk; for the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but justice, peace, and joy, inspired by the Holy Spirit. He who thus shows himself a servant of Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men."  (Rom 14:13  18 NEB).

The apostle Paul went on to say: "Do not ruin the work of God for the sake of food. Everything is pure in itself, but anything is bad for the man who by his eating causes another to fall. It is a fine thing to abstain from eating meat or drinking wine, or doing anything which causes your brother's downfall."  (Rom 14:20,21 NEB). Paul is teaching us that we must avoid doing those things we suspect may ruin the work of God in a person and/or damage that one's conscience. Indeed, "Those of us who have a robust conscience must accept as our burden the tender scruples of weaker men, and not consider ourselves. Each of us must consider his neighbour and think what is for his good and will build up the common life."  (Rom 15:1,2 NEB)  (Please read Rom 14:1 to 15:2).

(Concerning foods it should be pointed out that the Mosaic Law from God is still in force with reference to those foods that are considered clean and those considered unclean for human consumption.  See Page 1/9/86).


An occasion to fall, to trip morally, obstacle to belief.
To shake (a resolve, an opinion).

