No one can be gathered into the Kingdom of God by His Christ solely by obedience to Mosaic Law under the old covenant. Jehovah found fault with the houses of Israel and Judah because they failed to abide by the terms of that covenant. (Heb 8:7-9 NEB). So now we are under the Spirit Law of a new covenant issued by the Lawgiver Almighty God Jehovah for our salvation through The Christ our Lord. (Heb 8:10-13 NEB). The laws issued to Moses were not able to free the people from inherited Adamic sin for them to gain everlasting life. So while adherence to the fundamental principles of the Mosaic Law and its supplementary provisions is still beneficial for the welfare of mankind, we are no longer to be punished for unintended breaches of its terms and conditions, nor are we required to offer up animal sacrifices for having erred against laws consisting in decrees.  (Eph 2:15).  The  new covenant is far superior, because it is founded upon better promises, that of everlasting spirit life.  (Heb 8:6 NEB).  As they are being spiritually readjusted toward holiness, those under the new covenant may now offer up spirit sacrifices to God.  (Eph 4:12,13).

No judicial decrees were added to the Ten Commandments from God through Moses.  (See Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-22 and the judicial decisions throughout Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy).  Furthermore, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees* and also called the judicial decisions* of the first covenant (Exodus 21:1 onwards), are not part of the "ten words" or decalogue (de'ka [ten] lo'gous [words]) of Exodus 20:1-17.  Since The Christ, those who have been sinning against these judicial decisions have had opportunity to turn to God for His mercy by "walking in a newness of life" in obedience to the Spirit Law of God through His Christ, by the rule of conduct made known to us through his apostles, and by doing works that befit repentance.  (Rom 6:4.  Acts 26:20).

With reference to The Christ it is written: "By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the two peoples in union with himself into one new man and make peace". (Eph 2:15. Col 2:13,14). The "two peoples" are Jews and Gentiles, and the enmity caused by the Mosaic Law was that the Gentiles were not included or made subject to it. But for those living under the new covenant by The Christ there is no such Law of commandments consisting in decrees with its punishments.  Laws  pertaining to the old covenant were countermeasures against sin, and serve as a tutor leading to Christ.  (Gal 3:24).

The Spirit Law of the new covenant is to be obeyed through one's active faith in the Spirit of Truth, and our love for our Lord and Creator, His Christ, and one another.

In light of the Ten Commandments, the judicial decisions that followed were only a "shadow of the good things to come", and are fulfilled in Christ. (Heb 10:1-10). Among true Christians the  "good things to come" do not include immoral behaviour forbidden by the Ten Commandments.  It is the righteous way of life established by The  Christ that blots out the handwritten documents in Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. (Col 2:13,14)  (Gal 3:13).  The Law of commandments consisting in decrees were provided to show up sin, not to dispose of it. The Spirit Law of The Christ is for the disposal of sin.

