(2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 & 1 John 2:18-23).

  A congregation 'sister' and I arrived at a prearranged meeting with a family to discuss the basic principles of faith in God. We already knew that their eldest son was training to be a church cleric. His friend was also a trainee. Unfortunately, we were unable to establish in them any of the basic principles of faith, as the antichrist "stumbling blocks" of wicked spirit forces were also present. (Eph 6:12). The foremost obstruction hampering their spiritual development was their denial that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But although these two young men became agitated and disruptive, they gave no scriptural evidence to support their denial. When we had left, the congregation 'sister' sobbed bitterly and cried: 'If it wasn't for that son of hers, and the other one, the mother and her young daughter may have become believers. You answered everything scripturally. All that mate of his did was interrupt with nonsense.'

Because both men had denied Christ as the Son of God (falsely believing that the Son is also God The Father) they knew neither God nor His Son.  Millions have stumbled over The Christ in this way.  (See 1 Peter 2:4-8).

THE WORK OF "LAWLESS ONES".  (2 Thess 2:7,8).
  Sometime after that, this same congregation 'sister' often spoke to me about the false teachings and unchristian conduct that had crept into the congregation we attended, and the unscriptural election of men as 'elders' without an anointing from God. Weeks passed by, and so did her confidence in the Word of God. These so called 'elders' had spoken to her, and it wasn't long before I heard from one of them, saying: 'She regularly gives talks from the platform and she loves it'     even though they knew women are not allowed to teach. (1 Cor 14:34-36). A "lawless one" is one who knows the Law of God, but deliberately disobeys it.  (2 Thess 2:7,8)  (See 2 Thess 2:11,12 NEB).

That 'sister' soon became my enemy, part of a group involved in the "final rebellion (lawlessness) against God".  (2 Thess 2:1-12 NEB). Although she had already acknowledged I was an anointed brother of The Christ, her deeds for the mere morsels of admiration and glory caused her downfall. In Example (1) they proved to be antichrist because they erroneously believed and declared that Christ the Son of God is also Almighty God, whereas in Example (2) this "lawless one" proved to be antichrist because she knew the Law of God, but deliberately disobeyed it. Neither of them knows God. The inspired scriptures of 2 John V.9, 1 John 2:18-29 and 3:1 convey the truth. Both rebellious types are lawless and Jehovah God does not accept this form of worship.  (1 John 5:9-12).

