(Revelation 11:8 NWT & NEB).

From the standpoint of The Lord's Judgement, the same Godless spirit of uncleanness prevails today among the nations that historically existed in Sodom and Egypt. In the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans, many of these base characteristics are described, the reasons why such immorality still exists are given, and the ultimate destiny of those given up to this spirit of uncleanness decreed.  (Rom 1:18-32).

In the time of Christ, it was according to the will of the people that these things were practiced and tolerated, contributing to the events that led to his impalement and death. In the same way, and in this generation, faithful anointed witnesses of God have been made spiritually inactive ('killed') and their "corpses" left on the "broad way" that is the common path of the spirit corruption of mankind. The predominating will of Godless people against governance by faithful anointed kingly priests of God remains unchanged.  (Rev 11:7-9).

In a spiritual sense, after faithful anointed sons of God had completed their testimony (the earthly witness of God) concerning our Lord Jesus Christ (the heavenly witness of God), they were spiritually 'killed' as to their Spirit activity among the nations.  (11:3,7).

Complete ostracism (banishment from the world for speaking about God) is likened in a spiritual sense to death. Faithful  anointed sons of God were excommunicated for proclaiming heavenly knowledge from God     knowledge which proved to be a torment to corrupted spirits active among those dwelling on earth. (11:10). After  years (1,260 days) of spiritual inactivity among the nations (11:3), faithful anointed sons of God became spiritually active again with Spirit knowledge received from heaven. (11:11,12). Then, in 1985, an earthquake occurred in Mexico City. This earthquake was significant in that it was part of the "sounding" of the seventh angel's warnings. It was sent to signify that just as seven thousand men had perished in that earthly city, so seven thousand men called to the heavenly "City" of God, but who had apostatized while in His service, were refined out by the bitterness of the "Little Scroll" and perished in a spiritual "earthquake".  (11:13).

The "Little Scroll" brought the purpose of the "good news" to its conclusion for those to be gathered under it. The "good news" of salvation by The Christ began by means of faith. The bitterness of the "Little Scroll" ended it. (10:7-11). Great fear fell upon those who beheld the heavenly Spirit authority of faithful anointed sons of God. (11:11,12). The giving of glory to God out of fear as one witnesses fear-inspiring calamities from God on earth, is now the only means by which one may approach Him.  (11:13).

Those implicated in the fabrication of lies intended to change the "times and Law" of the Word of God, did so to facilitate the ostracism of faithful anointed witnesses of God. (See Dan 7:25 & 11:30-32). They are held more accountable than those with the Godless dispositions of "Sodom" and "Egypt", for they proved themselves as irreconcilable apostates.

The Christ was put to death by the will of people corrupted in mind and spirit. So today such ones are collectively and symbolically described as "Sodom and Egypt".

