(Cont. from Page 4/2/89).

Chapter 11:  After declaring the lineage of Jesus Christ upon whom the Spirit of Jehovah rests, and who is a signal to mankind (11:10), his pattern of Judgement is described: "And he will not judge by any mere appearance to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to the thing heard by his ears. And with righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, and with uprightness he must give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth. And he must strike the earth* with the rod of his mouth; and with the Spirit of his lips he will put the wicked one to death."  (11:3,4).  (*"the tyrant". Large Print NWT footnote).

The Spirit "voice" of The Christ, now Michael, has begun putting wicked ones to death: "...wherever the sound of his voice reached, all who heard it melted like wax at the touch of fire."  His taunting of them with their evil plottings is what corresponds to "flame". His warning "voice" addressed to Godless wicked ones precedes the condemnatory Spirit "fire" of Almighty God according to His Spirit Law.  (2 Esdras 13:3,4 & 37,38 NEB).

In Isaiah 11:6-8 various animals are used to describe various spirit dispositions of mankind before their spirits had been created. (Gal 6:15,16). When Jehovah pours out His Spirit upon all mankind "the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah". People will then begin walking on the "Way of Holiness", and those whose spirits are being created "will  not do any harm or cause any ruin in all My holy mountain".  (11:9).  (Joel 2:28 NEB.  Isaiah 35:8-10).

But while the one "from the stock of Jesse", Jesus Christ, stood as a signal to the nations while on earth, the nations did not rally to him at that time. That is why it is written: "And it must occur in that day that Jehovah will again offer His hand, a second time, to acquire the remnant of His people... And He will certainly raise up a signal for the nations and gather the dispersed ones of Israel; and the scattered ones of Judah He will collect together from the four extremities of the earth." (11:11,12). The first signal was Christ's earthly ministry. The  second and final signal almost 2,000 years later will be thieflike to Godless wicked  ones.  (Rev 16:15)  (Heb 9:27,28 NEB).

Concerning this second and final signal from God, and in particular the "highway" for people of God being rescued  from nations of the "Assyrian" (11:16): To facilitate the ransoming of His people, Jehovah will bring a "scorching wind" to "dry up the tongue of Egypt's sea" (the Nile) and "wave His hand over the River"  (the  Euphrates)     so much so that men will be able to cross dry-shod! (11:15 Moffatt & NEB). As for the "highway",  it is also a spiritual one:  The "Way of Holiness".

When Jehovah raises His signal to the nations and gathers those who were driven out of spiritual "Israel", He will assemble the scattered people of spiritual "Judah" from the four corners of the earth. "On that day the Lord will make His power more glorious by recovering the remnant of His people, those who are still left, from Assyria (Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq) and Egypt, from Pathros (southern Egypt), from Cush (Ethiopia) and Elam (southwest Iran), from Shinar (Iraq), Hamath (northwest Syria) and the islands of the  sea."  (11:11 NEB). Those  of spiritual "Judah", together with dispersed Jews of spiritual "Ephraim" redeemed by Jehovah, will swoop down on the coastland of the Philistines (the Gaza strip) and plunder the tribes of Edom and Moab (west and southwest Jordan).  The people of Ammon (northwest Jordan) shall obey them.  (11:12  14 NEB).

(Cont. on Page 6/2/89).

