(Cont. from Page 861A).


2 Thessalonians 2:4 teaches how followers of satan belonging to the "man of lawlessness" gain access to the temple of The God:  By the "operation of satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents". (2:9). And 1 Corinthians 3:16,17 conveys who the temple of God is: Faithful Spirit anointed sons of God that have His laws written in their hearts. (Heb 10:16). The Greek Interlinear Translation describes the location of the "man of lawlessness" as the "Divine habitation of the God", which means they have apostatized against the sanctifying Holy Spirit of anointed sons of God. The apostle Paul was not referring to forms of false worship being practiced in his time, for although "the mystery of this lawlessness" was "already at work", it was not due to be revealed in his time.

The important question to be considered is the reason for this "powerful work" with "lying signs and portents". The answer: So that satan could "lift himself up over everyone called "god" or an object of reverence… publicly showing himself to be a god." (2:4). By fashioning himself as a god through the use of apostate covenant  leavers he attempted to prove God a liar. But they will be brought to nothing by The Christ. (2:8). To fulfil his ambition satan gave consideration to JW covenant-leavers and led them into apostasy by means of smooth words. (Dan 11:30 32). God let an operation of error to go to them for having sinned against His Holy Spirit. (2:11,12). As a "son of destruction" satan is "set in opposition" to holy ones of the heavenly "woman" of God and tries to dispirit and destroy them. (Rev 12:13,14 & 13:7). The following examples of "opposition" are from the sect falsely calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses:


The apostate JW teaching that all anointed sealed ones of God were gathered by 1935CE. This attempt to change the "times and Law" of God was intended to deject the hearts of righteous anointed ones gathered after that date with falsehood. (Dan 7:25.  Ezek 13:22Hab 2:9,10See Page 849 for evidence of the apostasy of JWs during the 2,300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8:13,14).


The apostate JW teaching that the headdress of a woman's long hair is a headcovering that gives women (man's glory) authority to teach men (God's glory). Wearing a headcovering to teach is a "lying sign" of authority and an attempt to change the "times and Law" of God. Wearing a headcovering is a countermeasure from God against women teaching and/or exercising authority over men.  (1 Tim 2:12).


The apostate JW interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's vision that "seven times" mean 2,520 years of Gentile domination, when in fact they are the seven years that Nebuchadnezzar was punished for denying the majesty of the Most High.  (Dan 4:25 & 11:14).


The apostate misuse of Ezra 3:8 to give license to the appointment of unsealed men as 'elders' in JW congregations to mislead congregation members to do obeisance to these unsealed ones instead of to God. Changing the "times and Law" of God to facilitate the shifting of responsibilities from faithful anointed sons of God to unsealed JW apostates.  (See Page 841).


The apostate teaching that all baptized members of JW congregations are holy, so that they may acquire a house of "intense lovers" for themselves but progressively perish in the rebellious talk of Korah.  (Num 16:1 3 & 16:32,33.  Jude V.4 & 11.  Zech 13:4-6).


The apostate JW teaching and "lying sign" that 'Gentile Times' of 'trampling' would end in 1914CE, when in fact they "trampled" upon anointed members of the Holy City of God for 42 months, a period which ended January 19th 1979.  (See Rev 11:1-3 and Page 849).


Apostate covenant-leavers and unsealed 'elders' performing worthless baptisms of JW members during the 2,300 evenings and mornings after having removed the "constant feature" of Holy Spirit by removing faithful anointed members of the "sanctuary" class of God. (Dan 8:11-14). Those involved in their removal proved themselves lawless ones that could not be subjected to God, and their baptisms were for the purpose of being dead ones. (1 Cor 15:28,29). These lawless ones and their apostasy "the Lord Jesus will do away with by the Spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence".  (2:8).

(Cont. on Page 861C).

