(Cont. from Page 848A).


(From 1 Cor 14:1-6).


Unlike speaking in "tongues", prophesying of God is of immediate spiritual benefit to those listening, for the upbuilding, encouragement and consolation of congregation members. For these reasons the apostle Paul preferred prophecy to speaking in a "tongue". But unless dialogue between the spirit of a man and the Spirit of God is translated into the native "tongue" of that congregation (having prayed to God that he may translate), what he has received will be of benefit to none but himself.  (1 Cor 14:1-5 & 13. See Page 848A).

Indeed, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:6: "…what good would I do you unless I spoke to you either with a revelation or with knowledge or with a prophecy or with a teaching?" Paul was teaching by inspiration from God that all these gifts are bestowed upon men chosen by the Spirit of God, and that they must pray to God for its discernment and understanding. (14:13 19). This is so that it may successfully be conveyed to the minds and spirits of those in attendance. (14:16). Daniel 9:24 reveals that at the time appointed Christ the Messiah will "imprint a seal upon vision and prophet". Through those inspired of God we have been given the meaning of many prophecies, when they are to be fulfilled, and what prophecies are currently undergoing fulfilment.


Divine communication; disclosure of knowledge by a Divine agency.


Faculty of a prophet as the gift of prophecy; inspired prophetic utterance;
public interpretation of Scripture; that which foretells future events.

PROPHESY: To speak as a prophet; to expound the Scriptures; to foretell future events.

Knowing familiarity gained by experience; assured belief;
theoretical or practical understanding of subject, language, etc.


Instruction; doctrine; counsel; object lesson; imparted knowledge.

In the foregoing ways the Word of God has been revealed through men chosen by God. Further explanation of the Word of God to women should be done at home by male persons only. The written Word of God did not come through women at all. (14:34-36. See Greek T.)  Women are not permitted to teach or to exercise authority over men at all.  (1 Tim 2:11-14). According to the prophecy of God through Joel, "daughters" and "maidservants" will prophesy when Jehovah pours out His Spirit upon all mankind, but they will still not be permitted to teach or to exercise authority oven men, for reasons already given. (Joel 2:28,29.  1 Tim 2:11-14). And as a further warning, read Revelation 2:20 24.

Many have attempted to foretell future events, but few have done so by Divine inspiration from God. For example, for men and women to assemble and all be 'called' anointed ones would be an exercise in the uncanny power of demons to mislead people from the true God by the fabricated imitation of the Spirit of God at Pentecost. (Matt 22:14 RSV) (1 Tim 4:1). Only Almighty God 'calls' His sons, individually, by His Spirit. It cannot be accomplished merely through desire and ambition, as was the case of the sect falsely calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses at an assembly at Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1919. At this assembly they falsely tried to duplicate the true manifestation of the outpouring of God's Spirit at Pentecost in 33CE by telling hundreds present at that meeting: 'All of you are anointed!'  Nor was their calling of people to that meeting or to any other an indication that God had anointed them as members of Christ's "body". Nor is their decrease in numbers through death an indication that these apostates were once of God's anointed remnant. But what their "lying signs and portents" do indicate is their apostasy!  (2 Thess 2:1-12)  (Ezek 13:13  23).

