

In its minor fulfilment, the Word of Jehovah through the prophet Malachi is addressed to priests in Israel's past, but in its major fulfilment serves as a warning to anointed priests of spiritual "Israel" today.

(Chapter 1. Verses 1-5)
Here is conveyed the love Jehovah has for those he deems descendants of spiritual "Jacob" ("Israel"), and His hatred for those with dispositions like Esau ('Edomites'). To benefit from the inspired book of Malachi, one must realize that this prophecy is intended to be understood spiritually, and as having its fulfilment now during the end of the present system of things. It may also be helpful to recall the laws given through Moses to the priests of Israel, so that the reasons for the complaints against those acting as priests in the spiritual "land" of God today may be understood (foreknown by Jehovah through the sinful inclination of priests of the past to disobey Him).  (See 4:1-6).

(Verse 6)
Jehovah is speaking to called ones acting as priests today, but who were not chosen by Him to do so because of profaning the "covenant" by their apostasy.
(2:10 & 3:9). Although He is our Grand Master and Heavenly Father, they do not fear Him or honour Him as such, and so prove they despise His Holy Name. Jehovah describes their activities to prove they despise Him.  (1:8.  1:12-14.  2:10.  2:16,17).

(Verses 7&8)
Jehovah here describes one of the ways by which those acting as priests have shown they despise His Holy Name:  By  their presenting upon His spiritual "altar" "polluted bread". Priests are supposed to be the "face" of Jehovah before the people, His messenger. (2:7). Withholding or altering the intended meaning of the Word of God containing His disciplines for the people is the same as saying, "The
  table  of  Jehovah is something to be  despised."  (1:7)  (Heb 12:7-11). Offering an untaught male who is not anointed with the Spirit of God and has not been sanctified for priestly service is the same as sacrificing a "blind animal". Appointing for service a man who refuses to be wholesouled to Jehovah is the same as sacrificing a "lame animal", and appointing one not sound in mind like sacrificing a "sick animal". (Titus 1:8). Since those governing the people would not accept inferior ones in their service, it is most certainly disgraceful to offer them in service to Almighty God.

(Verse 9)
Jehovah's favour and blessing is withheld from apostate priests and willing subjects of their rebellion. In this verse the mercy of Jehovah is expressed through Malachi. Only by anointed chosen ones honouring their priestly responsibilities can they "soften His face" and gain His favour. The rebellion of apostate priests is solely from their "hand" (their deeds) and so incurs Divine disfavour.

(Verse 10)
Jehovah asks who among those falsely acting as priests would shut Him off completely from the people, "polluting" His "bread" to such an extent that there is no one faithful to light the "altar" for.  Jehovah takes no pleasure in the "gift offering" of spiritually unqualified spokesmen of His Word. The seriousness of their position is now made clear to them.

(Verse 11)
This verse reveals the futility of opposition to Jehovah, as His Name will be great among the nations from morning to night. The "presentation" made to Jehovah is our Lord Jesus Christ, who presented himself as a "clean gift" so that the Name of Jehovah becomes great "among the nations".

(Verse 12)
Apostate priests profane Jehovah by falsely claiming His table is polluted. They say "its food"  (spiritual "food") is not safe for consumption and has as "its fruit" people fit only to be despised!

(Verse 13)
Knowing accurately the Word of God but refusing to accept this "bread" of corrective discipline and teach all of it  fearlessly, is the same as saying, "Look! What a weariness! and you have caused a sniffing at  it," (to express their disapproval). Instead they offer the "polluted bread" of apostate teachings to create the "lame one", "sick one" and those "torn away" as described in verse 14 and on Page 831.

(Cont. on Page 831).

