On viewing the illustration on page 368 of the Watchtower July 24th 1977 (see below) and comparing it with the relevant scriptures, you should see the need for this corrective teaching: The two women in the foreground are not wearing a nun's habit. We should understand that what the women are wearing upon their heads as a sign of their obedience is the reason for their joy. You may wonder what this has to do with the article's title: "The Lord be with the Spirit You Show." Well, a woman's long hair is given her as a headdress, and is "a glory to her". (1 Cor 11:15). So why would a woman choose to cover her glory with a long plain cloth? Well, while a woman's headdress is her hair, it is not a sign of her recognition of the headship arrangement of God. It is simply "a glory to her".  (11:3).

Wearing a headcovering or veil over her hair is an outward sign to others that she acknowledges and accepts the authority of man as God's glory. (11:5,7). Without a woman's heartfelt subjection to man as to the Lord, her wearing of a headcovering has no meaning. Verse 10 explains why this outward sign "upon her head" and long hair is a spiritual requirement while attending a congregation and while praying: It is "for fear of the angels". (NEB). It certainly does not give a woman authority to teach!  (Heb 1:14.  1 Tim 2:11-14).

Heavenly angels of God that have proven their obedience to Jehovah are permitted by Him to minister to His people on earth and act as their guardians. What is required of a woman is not to be a model of obedience to the angels (as JWs teach) but rather that she should be an example of submissive obedience to God through God's glory the man by this Divine arrangement. It is to God's glory, the man, that angels administer His Word. (1 Cor 14:33 36)  (Eph 6:4.  5:22-24). Angels of God do not minister to persons who defy the headship arrangement of God. The apostle Paul said: "what I write has the Lord's authority. If he does not acknowledge this, God does not acknowledge him." (1 Cor 14:38 NEB). The instructions in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 are the Lord's commandment and are addressed to Spirit anointed sons of God and those of the "other sheep" not of this fold but calling upon His Name. (1 Cor 1:2.  John 10:16). To "incite to love and fine works" without hypocrisy is only achieved through Jehovah's righteous disciplines     the work for which Christ and his anointed brothers are hated by those who hear and dismiss his righteous teachings.

The man standing far right in the illustration is not showing a fine spirit of obedience, nor inciting it in others. Paul's instruction to brothers in the faith is that "a man ought not to have his head covered, as he is God's image and glory". (11:7). Nor is it permitted for women to defy the Lord's instruction by refusing to wear a headcovering while praying (as is the practice of JW women, who for such disobedience should have their heads shorn as a sign of their disgrace before angels of God and His obedient servants). Nor after they usurp the authority of men should women be permitted to cover their shorn heads with a headcovering to hide their disgrace. A woman's headcovering should be worn as the illustration conveys, showing enough hair to show her acknowledgement and acceptance of man's authority, but not worn to conceal her disgrace if she is a woman who has been shorn. (11:5,6. 14:35). A nun's habit is a form of headcovering designed to completely hide the woman's hair, and so confirms her disobedience to the headship arrangement while she completely separates herself from the society of God's glory, man.

(Cont. on Page 808).



