(Cont. from Page 796).



A family regularly studying the Bible with two female JW members had had a recent bereavement and spoke of their wish to miss their study for that week because of their grief. But the two female 'tutors' told them: 'If you do not have your study now, your study will be stopped completely.' It was stopped. As women have no right to teach from the Scriptures, they should have passed the responsibility of this family Bible study to a spiritually qualified brother in the faith.  (1 Tim 2:12).


An unsealed 'elder' and self-appointed shepherd was told of his neglect in not speaking to a husband and wife who had been attending his congregation for many months. They felt that they had inadvertently offended him. His reply: "Oh, is it that important?"


When scripturally corrected, the attitude of unsealed 'elders' has proven to be: 'You are telling ME?' Their unapproachable self-exalted attitude is proof they have "a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away."  (2 Tim 3:5).

Men and women who have deeds of this kind to their account seem to know no shame, nor do they know how to feel humiliated. The reason for relating these bad examples is not to keep account of the injury, but for you to separate yourselves from them. For they will fall with their kind who are already falling when Jehovah holds an accounting with these sons and daughters of the "mother of the harlots".  (Rev 17:5 & 18:4).

Jeremiah 6:17:

"And I raised up over you people watchmen, 'Pay attention to the sound of the horn!' But they kept saying: "We are not going to pay attention.""


"And they try to heal the breakdown of My people lightly, saying, 'There is peace! There is peace!' when there is no peace."


"Did they feel shame because it was something detestable that they had done? For one thing, they positively do not feel any shame; for another thing, they have not come to know even how to feel humiliated. Therefore they will fall among those who are falling; in the time that I must hold an accounting with them they will stumble," Jehovah has said."

As servants of Jehovah, we see the stubbornly defiant countenances of these false witnesses. They pass by, looking down, turning away with guilty expressions. Oh, that we might see acknowledgement of their shame on their faces, that we might have cause for hope in them. The time for treacherous ones to be torn away from the earth fast approaches. (Prov 2:20-22). They are not blameless. JW members have become worshippers of men, cramped within their own tender affections.

2 Corinthians 6:11-13:  "Our mouth has been opened to you… our heart has widened out. You are not cramped for room within us, but you are cramped for room in your own tender affections. So, as a recompense in return     I speak as to children     you, too, widen out."

(Cont. on Page 798).

